CultureFest 2020
Join hundreds, from both the University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO) and the larger Omaha community, to celebrate diversity at the UNO Service Learning Academy's 10th Annual CultureFest in the Milo Bail Student Center; Feb. 23.
- date: 02/23/20
- time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
- location: Milo Bail Student Center • maps
- contact: Amairany Fuentes - UNO Service Learning Academy (SLA) • 402.554.3055 •

A collaborative event sponsored by the UNO Service Learning Academy , Omaha South High Magnet School , and Beveridge Magnet Middle School , CultureFest features a variety of performances, community presentations, informational booths with activities, exhibits, and food! Admission and parking are free and open to the public. Once arriving, attendees can visit the check-in table on the first floor near the staircase.
Date: Sunday, February 23, 2020
Time: 2 PM to 4 PM
Location: Milo Bail Student Center, UNO Dodge Campus
For additional information or questions please contact Amairany Fuentes at