Now Hiring an AmeriCorps Member
The UNO Service Learning Academy (SLA) in partnership with the Campus Compact VISTA program is now seeking a new AmeriCorps member to focus on building capacity for antipoverty service learning. Recent and upcoming graduates are encouraged to apply.
- published: 2021/04/14
- contact: LaTrina Hall - Service Learning Academy
- email: ldparker@unomaha.ed
- search keywords:
- AmeriCorps
- UNO Student
- Service Learning Academy
- Community Engagement
Omaha, NE – The AmeriCorps member serving through the Campus Compact VISTA Program will:
- Build capacity by strategically leveraging resources
- Expand anti-poverty service learning projects through outreach to key stakeholders
- Present at share out sessions to showcase current projects
- Recruit new faculty
- Train interested partners alongside Service Learning Academy staff
Applications are due by June 1, 2021.