Local Creativity is Home at Read Local Author Showcase | March 9
- date: 03/09/17
- time: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
- location: Osborne Family Gallery, Dr. C.C. and Mabel L. Criss Library • maps

Join the UNO Bookstore and Criss Library for the newly established Read Local Author Showcase on March 9, 2017. The Read Local Author Showcase will feature local authors with varying writing styles, including authors: Leo Biga, J.C. Christian, Ryan Roenfeld, Lisa Sandlin, Sean Doolittle and Matthew Hebert.
The event will be hosted at the Criss Library Osborne Family Gallery from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. and will offer: author readings, Q&A sessions, and signings after each author's presentation. There will be a limited quantity of books that will be available to purchase at the event! Please come out and support your local community’s creativity!
10 A.M. | Leo Biga - Alexander Payne: His Journey in Film
11 A.M. | J.C. Christian - Reaching for Light: An Incest Survivors Story
12 P.M. | Ryan Roenfeld - Wicked Omaha
1 P.M. | Lisa Sandlin - The Do-Right
2 P.M. | Sean Doolittle - Lake County: A Novel, Rain Dogs, and The Cleanup
3 P.M. | Matthew Hebert - Beneath the Surface and Breaking the Surface