Mindful Tech Workshops and Events
The Center for Faculty Excellence and UNO Libraries have partnered to bring workshops, events, and resources to campus on mindfulness and how mindful techniques can be used to bring balance to our personal and professional lives as we work with digital technologies.
- date: 11/06/17
- time: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
- location: Kayser Hall 543 • maps
Workshops and events are free and open to the public.
Registration is requested for all events. To RSVP, contact the Center for Faculty Excellence at unofacdev@unomaha.edu or 402.554.2427.
Upcoming Workshops and Events
Mindful Everyday Tech
Friday, February 9, 2018 | 12 P.M. - 1 P.M. | PKI 158
Join us for a panel presentation with experts discussing human-computer interactions, including how technology is integrated into our everyday lives and predictions for future technology development.
Mindful Classroom
Friday, March 2, 2018 | 11:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. | Criss Library 249
Mindfulness encourages attention to and connections between our physical environment and mental well-being. As we think about our approaches to instruction and the act of teaching, how aware are we of these connections? How can you intentionally design your instruction and your classroom environments to encourage strategies that can ultimately enhance student learning and well-being? Learn from UNO faculty who have brought mindfulness into their classrooms, both face-to-face and online.
Mindful Research
Tuesday, April 10, 2018 | 3 P.M. | Criss Library 232
This hands-on workshop will present tools and techniques for mindfully using technology to combat information overload and accelerate your research and scholarship.
Dr. David Levy's book, Mindful Tech, serves as the 2017-2018 Center for Faculty Excellence book selection. Concepts and materials from the book are used as the basis for a series of workshops and events held throughout the academic year. A limited number of copies are freely available from the CFE for UNO-affiliated faculty and staff.
To learn more about CFE's Minful Tech programming click here.