Upcoming Art Exhibits at Criss Library

Not Your Indians Anymore: Alcatraz Takeover and Red Power, 1969-1971
Osborne Family Gallery | June - August 2018
The Inferno
Criss Library, main aisle on 2nd floor | June - August 2018
Not Your Indians Anymore: Alcatraz Takeover and Red Power, 1969-1971
Osborne Family Gallery | June - August 2018
The Inferno
Criss Library, main aisle on 2nd floor | June - August 2018
For more information about including events and announcements in the Criss Library News Center, email us at unocrisslibrary@unomaha.edu.
Unless otherwise clearly stated, any views or opinions expressed as part of events, exhibitors, or presenters in the UNO Libraries (Dr. C.C. and Mabel L. Criss Library) should not be viewed as endorsements by the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) and do not reflect the official position of UNO or the University of Nebraska system.