Faces of Israel, by Ophir Palmon, will be on display in the Osborne Gallery beginning January 2019
Open January 7, 2019, photographer Ophir Palmon's Faces of Israel depicts daily life and the effects roles of religion, history, and people play.
- date: 01/07/19 - 03/22/19
- time: 12:00 AM
- location: Osborne Family Gallery, Criss Library • maps

Faces of Israel, a photography exhibit by Israeli-American artist Ophir Palmon, is set to open at the Criss Gallery on January 7, 2019, and run through the month of March.
The exhibit depicts different aspects of life in Israel, and how the roles or religion, history, and others, affect life there.
The exhibit is free and open to the public, during regular library hours.