UPDATED DATES - Criss Library De-Stress Fest Events
Take time to take a break; December 5 - 12, 2018.
- date: 12/05/18 - 12/06/18
- time: 12:00 AM

Thursday, December 6
Breakfast for Champions, 8-10 A.M., Main Floor Criss Library
Stop by the main floor of the library to fuel up for finals with coffee and breakfast bars.
Bad Art with Rob Boss, 1-3 P.M., Criss Library Room 249
Channel your inner bad artist with our guest teacher Rob Boss. The Boss will provide (bad) painting tips and all the supplies to complete a (very bad) painting. The worst painting wins a prize! Limited to 25 participants, sign up online: https://libcal.unomaha.edu/event/4838640
Escape Reality with Beat Saber, 3-5 P.M., Main Floor Criss Library
Slash the beats and dance your stress away with virtual reality game Beat Saber.
Friday, December 7
Crafternoon, 1-3 P.M., Main Floor Criss Library
Color away your stress as you make your own pinback button or shrinky dink charm. Bring your coloring mojo; we'll provide all the supplies.
24/7 Activities
These activities are available at any time and located throughout the library.
- Stuffed animals for cuddling
- Coloring table (outside of CPL)
- Puzzles
- Mini zen gardening
We also have a popular literature section, located just outside of the single study rooms on the main (second) floor, if you need a literary escape