Yahad-In Unum's traveling exhibition of ‘Holocaust by Bullets,’ will be on display in Criss Library, January through March 2019.
Exhibit participants will learn the unique perspective of the Jewish and Roma genocide in former Soviet Union territory during the mid-20th century.
- date: 01/07/19 - 04/04/19
- time: 12:00 AM
- contact: Mark Celinscak - Executive Director, Sam and Frances Fried Holocaust and Genocide Academy • mcelinscak@unomaha.edu
Curated by Yahad-In Unum (a combination of the Hebrew word ‘Yahad,’ meaning “together,” and the Latin phrase ‘In Unum,’ meaning “in one”), Holocaust by Bullets presents eyewitness testimonies, interviews, photographs and maps of the Jewish and Roma mass genocides in former Soviet Union territory during the mid-20th century.
by learning from the past and educating in the present, we work to prevent genocide and mass killings in the future.
Yahad-In Unum’s mission is “by learning from the past and educating in the present, we work to prevent genocide and mass killings in the future.”
Between 1.5 and 2 million Jews were executed from 1939 to 1943 in countries formerly part of the Soviet Union: Belarus; Lithuania; Moldova; Poland; Romania; Russia; and Ukraine. Their research is rooted in eyewitness accounts from individuals present during the mass shootings, who are now aging and whose historical perspective will no longer be available. Using these accounts with forensic evidence, the group identifies mass gravesites, collecting further evidence of the genocide.
Father Patrick Debois, Catholic Priest
This exhibit’s display in Criss Library is sponsored by UNO’s Sam and Frances Fried Holocaust and Genocide Academy. You can find the exhibit on the main floor of
Guided Tours
The Sam and Frances Fried Holocaust and Genocide Academy is pleased to announce that guided tours of the Holocaust by Bullets exhibition are now available with a docent trained by Yahad-In Unum. Please contact the Fried Academy's Student Worker, Mr. Zane Jensen at zanejensen@unomaha.edu, to arrange a tour today!
About Yahad In-Unum
Yahad-In Unum is not a politically affiliated organization, nor does it advocate any political, economic or military action be taken by any group or nation. Rather, its mission is to uncover facts of genocidal practices wherever they are found and provide a voice of protest on behalf of all victims and potential victims of genocide.
About the Sam and Frances Fried Holocaust and Genocide Academy
The Sam and Frances Fried Holocaust and Genocide Academy promotes and facilitates the scholarly study of the Holocaust and other genocides and provides students, faculty and community members the tools to assist in the prevention of crimes against humanity.
We support the University of Nebraska Omaha community engagement and commemorative activities, along with supporting student and faculty research that raises awareness of Holocaust and genocide history. We are dedicated to fostering and promoting greater collaboration between UNO and local community organizations.