CPL Fall 2021 Services Update
To safely meet the needs of the UNO community, the Creative Production Lab is back in action with new hours and service updates.

For the Fall 2021 semester, the CPL is back in action with hours and services meant to maximize assistance and access to all of our core services. We wish to maintain our high quality of one-on-one project assistance and media production education in the safest manner possible for our staff and patrons. This means our continuation of remote availability via zoom and pick-up service requests PLUS a return of our open-door all-access policy during the bulk of the week.
Our hours this fall, pending any updates:
Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. - Full services. Walk-ins welcome. No appointment necessary!
Friday and Sunday - Appointment-only. Remote service processing and assistance.
General service updates and alterations to note:
Our most popular service for faculty in aid to student learning is Video Streaming...and it only got more popular over the pandemic! We can take physical media such as a VHS, DVD, or Blu-ray disc, convert it into a digital format, and provide you with a weblink to be shared with students to allow at-home viewing of media. Faculty can drop off personal media with our circulation desk or find a title in our collection online. This is done on a per-semester basis, and the link provided to you will only work for the time period the class is offered. To begin the process, fill out our form, or email the team with questions. We generally make links available a minimum of 5 business days from when we receive physical media. Given the current request load, we ask that you make any media requests 2-3 weeks in advance of any assignment that students may need access, and preferably the semester prior to the course. We have made this service a priority for staff time given the shift to partially online delivery of many courses on campus.
Our Large Format Printing and 3D Printing services are operating as normal, with a 24 to 48 hour turnaround. 3D scanning services using our NextEngine scanner are available on request.
Tours and workshops are back! Should your class require a software overview, mini workshop, or virtual tour of the CPL, please contact our supervisor to coordinate a safely-sized tour option, in-class presentation, a web-based presentation, or pre-recroded video solution.
Given the lack of student access to Adobe Creative Cloud software outside of limited computer stations on campus, we’ve compiled an actively updated list of Open Source software for all media creation purposes. It is available for access HERE. Staff is available to assist with learning and transitioning to the majority of these offerings.
Our computer lab is open for your needs. We have three Mac Pro units and one Windows 10 PC available at safe distances for one patron per station. If you need document/art scanning, digitization equipment, or access to our full suite of software, you can still make an appointment 24 hours in advance on our LibCal page. These computers have been set up with CDC recommended spacing and with appointment gaps for additional cleaning measures. Staff will be available during your appointment to assist from a distance.
We have changed the accessibility measures of our GreenScreen recording space. This space can be booked for an appointment via LibCal 48 hours in advance, and must be approved by staff. To accomodate safe spacing we are limiting use of the equipment to a maximum of 2 patrons at any time. Patrons are strongly advised to wear their mask at all times, especially during filming and vocal projection. Staff will set up lighting, backdrops, and cameras, but primary opertion of equipment will be a patron's responsiblity. Until further notice we will not engage in 3D scanning of human subjects with our Sense scanner in the area.
Faculty needing assistance on recording class materials or editing videos for online class applications should email our team directly so we can set up multiple or longer appointments to meet your academic needs.
Our multimedia inkjet, laser engraver, vinyl cutter, and cricut units have been moved to a by-request and case-by-case basis. Patrons can coordinate project completion with CPL staff on a patron’s behalf. To coordinate your project with CPL staff, please email our team directly.
For the safety and health of all, our Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality headsets have been deep cleaned and placed in storage. Direct facial contact with a shared device for extended periods of time in an inclosed area is simply too much of a risk even with enhanced cleaning measures.
Our Whisperbooth and audio recording equipment are not available for patron use at this time. Given the need to remove your mask, vocally project onto a porous surface, and be fully enclosed in a self-circulating micro-room, there is no way to confirm safe operation of this service at this time. To offset this we have one Yeti Blue usb mic available for general use, and hope to reopen the whisperbooth in the near future pending additional safety measures.
For additional questions, project assistance, or special needs please reach out to the CPL Supervisor, Charles Fisher, at cfisher@unomaha.edu