Upcoming Changes to Library Collections, Services and Resources
Find information regarding changes to the UNO Libraries collections, services, and resources on this page.
- published: 2023/11/02
- contact: Dave Richards - Criss Library
- email: derichards@unomaha.edu

To lower expenses, we are reducing the number of books purchased, and canceling those journals and databases which have a low overall usage or a high cost per use ratio. The librarians and staff of the UNO Libraries make decisions about cuts and cancellations based on a variety of factors. These include cost per use analysis (CPU), pricing models, licensing terms, inflation rates, faculty, student, and staff input, overlapping coverage from other sources, accreditation requirements, and availability of content through other means. In cases where we are unable to purchase a book or journal subscription, we will continue to strive to meet your teaching, research, and service needs through interlibrary loan and document delivery services.
Fortunately, in the past several years, we have been able to provide access to major research publishers, such as Elsevier, through shared purchases with the University of Nebraska Consortium of Libraries (UNCL). At this time, those major journal and e-book packages are still provided by our combined funds and license agreements with UNCL. In the coming weeks and months, you may receive a message from your department’s library subject specialist or liaison regarding changes to our monograph collection, journal packages, and database availability. We will also keep the campus community up-to-date on collection changes through this webpage. Please know that we take these reductions seriously and we aim to protect, as much as possible, core resources for students, faculty, and staff.
Thank you for your understanding and please feel free to contact Dave Richards, Dean of Library Services, or your subject specialist if you have any questions.
Resources currently suspended or canceled for FY 2023-2024
- Chronicle of Philanthropy
- PQ Congressional Executive Base (includes indexes)
- Tumblebook Library
- PQ Statistical Abstract of the United States - Print edition
- Digital Theatre+
- Visual History of Archive (SHOAH)
- Encyclopedia of Islam
- Mergent (Online and Horizon)
- Mintel Reports
- Individual journal titles canceled:
- Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum
- AES Journal
- Air & Space
- Amphibia Reptilia
- Annals of Probability
- Annals of Statistics
- Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism
- Arab World Geographer
- Australian Journal of French Studies
- Aztlan
- Botany
- British Journal of Aesthetics
- Business & Professional Ethics Journal
- Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
- Canadian Journal of Zoology (Revue Canadienne de Zoolgie)
- Comparative Sociology
- Contemporary French Civilization
- Current History
- Diplomatic History
- Engineering Design Graphics Journal
- English
- Environmental Engineering Science
- Historia: Zeitschrisft fuer Alte Geschichte (Revue D Histroie Ancienne) (Journal of Ancient History)
- Information Resources Management Journal
- INFORMS Journal on Computing
- International Affairs - English ed.
- International Journal of E-Collaboration
- International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters
- International Philosophical Quarterly
- Journal of Applied Analysis
- Journal of Chromatographic Science
- Journal of Experimental Botany
- Journal of Heredity
- Journal of Medicine and Philosophy
- Journal of Music Therapy
- Journal of the IEST
- LGBT Health
- Loex Quarterly
- Main Economic Indicators - English ed.
- Marketing Science
- Michigan Mathematical Journal
- Mind - England
- Oxford Economic Papers
- Parliamentary Affairs
- Philosophical Quarterly
- Physiological Reviews
- PTJ: Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Journal
- Quebec Studies
- Representations
- Science Fiction Studies
- Topology Proceedings
- Transportation Science
- Visual Arts Research
- World Bank Economic Review
- World Bank Research Observer
Resources currently suspended or canceled for FY 2022-23:
- Foundation Directory Online (now limited to a single onsite license available at ORCA)
- University of Chicago Press journals package
- Institutes of Physics (IOP) journals package
- Peterson's Test Prep
- Granger's World of Poetry
- Individual journal titles canceled:
- American Philosophical Quarterly
- Australian Journal of Botany
- Brain Behavior and Evolution
- Canadian Journal of Chemistry
- Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
- Classical Antiquity
- Essays in Critcism
- Ethnicity & Disease
- Ethomusicology
- Genome Research
- International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making
- Journal of Immunology
- Journal of Musicology
- Journal of Philosophy
- Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports
- Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
- Journal of Sports Medicine & Phyiscal Fitness
- Journal of the American Musicology Society
- Kant-Studien
- Medical Problems of Performing Artists
- Microbiology
- Music Theory Spectrum
- Oxford Art Journal
- PAJ - Journal of Performance and Art
- Perspectives of New Musica
- Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing
Resources currently suspended or canceled for FY 2021-22:
- UNO Libraries Open Access (OA) Fund
- Print monograph (print book) purchasing is by faculty request only.
- Print periodicals have been reduced. (See your subject specialist for a complete listing.)
- KANOPY film titles are obtained by faculty request and only if films/videos are listed on course syllabi.
- Individual journal titles canceled:
- Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics Academic Membership Option D
- Dalton Transactions
- Journal of the Geological Society
- Fractals
- International Journal of Bifurcation and ChaosInternational Directory of Company Histories