Welcome to the Center for Faculty Excellence!
Our Mission is to advance instructional excellence, facilitate professional success, and foster faculty leadership through a collaborative approach, supporting the goals of UNO as a premier metropolitan university. We support efforts to enhance the diversity and inclusivity at UNO and provide a wide-range of professional development opportunities.
Faculty Fulbright Program
Fulbright provides funding for scholars, educators, and professionals to engage in advanced research, teaching, and collaborative activities around the globe.
CFE Events and Registration
View the entire CFE events calendar!
What is a wicked student, and how can we create them?
Paul Hanstedt on how general education can be designed to address the complex and evolving challenges of our world.
Online Foundations of Faculty Search Training
Through this training, you will learn how to participate in an effective and efficient search committee and ensure a fair and thorough review of applicants.
SPRING Teaching Analysis By Students (TABS)
TABS provides full- and part-time faculty (including teaching assistants) an opportunity to assess pedagogical strengths and weaknesses. All assessments are confidential and free. Faculty members who register will receive a one-on-one meeting with a TABS consultant who will provide them with their confidential TABS report.
Upcoming Events
January 30: Teaching Tools for Difficult Classroom Situations Luncheon
Guided discussions on how to respond to classroom disruptions and students in need, and how to mitigate potential incidents of disruption and student challenges.
February 3: Spring 10-Day Writing Challenge
An asynchronous virtual writing challenge to devote an hour (of your choosing) to work toward a goal, and log a brief progress update.
February 10: Spring TABS
TABS provides full- and part-time faculty (including teaching assistants) a free and confidential opportunity to assess pedagogical strengths and weaknesses at the mid-point of the fall or spring semesters.
Februay 19: IN-PERSON Advanced Search Training
This session is a refresher of the Foundations course, and participation in the session will extend faculty search committee eligibility for those who attend.
We are thrilled to welcome our new faculty members to the UNO community. Please take a moment to explore the faculty directory and learn more about their backgrounds and expertise.