Scholarships | Fellowships | Waivers
Graduate Scholarships
While less common than undergraduate scholarships, a variety of scholarships are also available to help graduate students afford their education.
Phi Delta Gamma Scholarship
The Phi Delta Gamma Scholarship is intended to encourage individuals of promising talent and ability to complete the requirements for a graduate degree at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Ability shall be evaluated in terms of excellence in academic scholarship, character, leadership, and personality.
Access the application form
- Nomination deadline: 1st Friday in March
- Award announced: Fall/spring semester
- Amount awarded: $700
- Number of annual awards: Three (3)
Helen Hansen Outstanding Graduate Student Awards
The Helen Hansen Outstanding Graduate Student Awards are presented to individuals who have been selected as outstanding graduate students at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Nominees may not have graduated or completed/enrolled in all coursework requirements prior to the immediate spring semester. Must have current FAFSA on file and show need.
Nominees must have completed 15-18 hours of graduate work with a GPA of at least 3.75 and no outstanding incompletes other than ("IP" grades on thesis/dissertation, research other than thesis, and research seminar, etc. are allowed) at the time of nomination. Nominations are made by the department/school graduate program chair (GPC), faculty, students, or administrators.
- Nomination deadlines: 2nd Friday in November
- Award announced: At the annual UNO Student Honors Convocation (Spring semester)
- Amount awarded: TBA each year
- Number of annual awards: Two (2)
Dreamer's Scholarship/Fellowship for Graduate Students
UNO Dreamer’s Pathway graduating Seniors and recent undergraduate alumni can get a head start on their graduate school journey by taking advantage of the UNO Dreamer’s Scholarship/Fellowship for Graduate Studies.
The UNO Dreamer’s Scholarship/Fellowship for Graduate Studies is available for UNO Dreamer’s Pathway graduating Seniors or recent undergrad alumni students who have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) or are DACA-eligible. This scholarship is a one-time, $500 award (not recurring) towards tuition and fees for students pursuing any graduate degree program at UNO.
- Must have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) or be DACA-eligible
- Must be a Nebraska HS graduate
- Must have a Bachelor’s degree
- Currently accepted and enrolled in any graduate program at the University of Nebraska at Omaha
- Preference may be given to students who are low-income & first-generation college graduates
- Submit the online application via Mavlink
For more information, please contact:
UNO Dreamer’s Pathway Scholarship Program
Regents Tuition Waiver
Each year the Regents of the University of Nebraska make available funds, in the form of the Regents Tuition Waiver (RTW). Funds are limited and will be used to recruit highly qualified students who are Nebraska residents.
Students applying for admission to a graduate certificate or degree program at UNO are eligible for a RTW’s for one academic year with an additional year available to students who maintain a 3.0 GPA.
The final decision regarding whom to recommend shall be taken by the department/school graduate program committee chair (GPC). Nominations should be submitted on behalf of eligible students by the department/school graduate program committee (GPC). Nominations should include the following: a letter of support from the GPC, strengths of the candidate, what the candidate will bring to the program and a copy of the candidate’s resume or vitae, if nominating more than one candidate please list in rank order. Your nomination and supporting materials should be sent to subject line: RTW Nomination.
Selection will be conducted by the Dean for Graduate Studies (based on the nomination by the GPC). Awards will be based, in part, on the likelihood they will contribute to highly qualified students choosing UNO for graduate study. The value of a diverse student body also will be taken into consideration in these evaluations. Thus, with an applicant’s permission, programs may indicate gender and/or ethnicity of applicants. Awards will be made to students applying for part-time as well as full-time status.
Tuition waivers under this program may be used only for graduate courses in the students’ program. Further restrictions on the use of these waivers include:
- RTW’s cover the cost of resident tuition.
- The maximum waiver available in the fall and spring semesters is equivalent to the resident tuition cost for nine (9) graduate credit hours. For the summer semester, the maximum waiver available is equivalent to the resident tuition cost for six (6) graduate credit hours. If you withdraw from a course, you will be charged for the course from which you withdrew.
- Tuition waivers cannot be applied toward the cost of undergraduate courses, non-credit courses, courses taken for audit, or courses taken on another NU campus.
- Nomination deadlines: 1st Friday in November (for Spring award); 1st Friday in March/June (for academic year)
- Award announced: Fall/spring semester
- Amount awarded: Dependent upon funding
- Number of annual awards: TBA; 2-year award dependent on funding, if student maintains good academic standing, and does not receive any other type of funding