Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any specifications about the number of project directors?
Most proposals have one project director or two if you want to have one from the US University and one from the Indian university.
Should we only offer one submission from the university? Is there any special procedure to follow if we have two submissions from the same university?
You can offer more than one submission per university, but chances are unlikely that more than one will awarded to the same university. Treat each submission as its own proposal and make sure that all criteria are met for each proposal.
Would costs related to a welcome and closing reception for an Indian faculty visiting our university, as well as “cultural activities” for the faculty while they’re here be covered? Would those costs be allowed?
Yes, all costs that are involved in the project are allowed with the exception of purchasing equipment.
What is the time frame of proposals?
Activities should fall within May 2019 to November 30, 2020, which is the close date for the grant.
Key personnel bios?
Please limit bios to one page and are only needed for director and co-director.
When will the next set of proposals be looked at? When is the deadline?
There is no “deadline,” but proposals will be reviewed approximately every quarter. So, the next set of proposals will be reviewed after June 2019 then September 2019, December 2020 and so on until all the funds are awarded.
Does the faculty working in the US have to be an American citizen?
Faculty working on the proposals do not have to be US citizens. The proposals do have to come from a US institution.
Does the money for the proposals have to be used in India?
When designing your budget, please make sure that the funding is shared with your Indian partner university.
What proof is needed for an existing partnership or a partnership that is launching?
Any documentation that you can provide would work, such as a memorandum of understanding, endorsement letter, or letter of support.