International Education Week 2018
International Education Week (IEW) is an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide. The dates for IEW 2018 are November 9-15, 2018.
- date: 11/09/18 - 11/15/18
- time: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
- contact: Katie Kresha - International Programs • 402-554-2293 •
- search keywords:
- global engagement
- international
Education Abroad Global Brunch: Plan Your Spring Break & Summer Abroad
Fri. 9 Nov. | 10:00 am to noon | MBSC Nebraska & Aksarben Rooms
Join Education Abroad for brunch while learning more about our program offerings! Faculty leaders will be giving short 5-minute program overviews along with a poster session meet and greet. This will be the perfect time to learn more about global courses, ask any questions you may have, and find your best-fit opportunity.
Nebraska Neighbors
Fri. and Sat. 9 and 10 Nov. | West Point, Neb.
UNO international students will travel to western Nebraska for two days of intercultural exchange. Homestay families will host students during their visit.
Study Abroad Tabling Events: Spotlighting Faculty-led Programs and Summer Exchanges
11:00 am to 2:00 pm
Mon. 12 Nov. | MBSC Tues. 13 Nov. | ASH
Wed. 14 Nov. | H&K Thurs. 15 Nov. | MH
Global Marketplace
Tues. 13 Nov. | 10 am to 2 pm | MBSC
Internationally-inspired gifts and baked goods for sale. Proceeds and donations support UNO's International Student Emergency Loan Fund.
Service Learning and Education Abroad Lunch and Learn
Tues. 13 Nov. | 12 to 1 pm | CEC 230
This event is for faculty interested in exploring how and why to utilize service learning as a method of instruction in Education Abroad experiences. Please RSVP by November 2 to
International Education Week Luncheon
Tues. 13 Nov. | noon to 1 pm | MBSC Dodge Room
Invitation-only event honoring sponsored exchange students and scholars, distinguished guests, and graduating international students and International Studies majors.
Moshe Gershovich Symposium on North Africa and the Middle East Lunch
Wed. 14 Nov. | 12:30 pm | CEC Rooms 201 & 205
“North African Soldiers in French Service,1914 -1945: Recognizing and Reappraising the Work of Moshe Gershovich” Presented by Dr. Wilfrid Rollman (Boston University)
Tenth Annual Gildersleeve Know Your World Lecture
Wed. 14 Nov. | 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm | CPACS 132
“Why Climate Change Threatens American Security – And What We Can Do About It”:
The climate is changing and it will threaten our security – how will this happen and what can we do to prevent it? Dr. Beth Chalecki from the Department of Political Science will talk about why the warming climate is the greatest security threat the country has ever faced, and how fighting climate change is not liberal or conservative, but patriotic.
Middle East Forum
Thurs. 15 Nov. | noon to 1:00 pm | CEC 230/231
The Middle East Forum is an initiative of the Middle East Project Fund, the UNO Schwalb Center for Israel & Jewish Studies and the UNO Islamic Studies Program. The Forum is held three times per semester with a panel of experts discusses current events in the Middle East.
Café Internationale
Thurs. 15 Nov. | 2 to 4 pm | Arts & Sciences Hall 241
UNO's signature IEW event! Open house with refreshments, music, country display tables, and international cultural presentations by IPD trainees and ILUNO students.