Lincoln Federal Programs Partners with CARS
UNO’s Center for Afghanistan and Regional Studies (CARS) have started a new partnership with Federal Programs at Lincoln Public Schools due to the success of the Afghan Refugee School Impact seminars held over the summer.
- published: 2024/12/13
- contact: Charity Stahl - Center for Afghanistan and Regional Studies
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Lincoln Federal Programs Partners with the Center for Afghanistan and Regional Studies to Better Support Newcomers from Afghanistan and Beyond
UNO’s Center for Afghanistan and Regional Studies (CARS) recently partnered with Federal Programs at Lincoln Public Schools to provide training and facilitate meaningful discussions for federal programs personnel working in Lincoln schools. The meeting was held on November 5, 2024. The new partnership happened as a result of two summer seminars for teachers presented by CARS as part of the course Afghan Refugee School Impact. The UNO team was asked to return in the fall to expand on the topic and speak to another large audience of staff who work specifically with refugees and immigrants. Besides U.S. born staff, the group consisted of refugees and immigrants who have made Nebraska their home and are now working as school liaisons. They represented many places including Afghanistan, Columbia, Iraq, Mexico, Russia, Syria, Tajikistan, Thailand, Ukraine, and Vietnam.
The session began with a general overview of refugees worldwide along with some historical background of refugee resettlement in the U.S., the resettlement process, and what supports are available. Then, a discussion on the importance of cross-cultural understanding provided some time for self-reflection and group discussions about cross-cultural experiences, conflicts, and resolutions. Finally, the session covered a variety of topics related to supporting newcomers including conversations about school environment expectations, how assimilation affects family dynamics, the trauma and stress experienced by refugee and immigrant youth, and how to create welcoming schools.
The training brought about a greater understanding of shared struggles and common themes in the experiences of both refugees and immigrants. It provided federal programs staff and liaisons useful insights and practical solutions for supporting newcomers from Afghanistan and beyond. Lincoln participants also shared their personal experiences which greatly enriched the interactions.
"The collaboration between Federal Programs at Lincoln Public Schools and the Center for Afghanistan and Regional Studies at UNO has been an invaluable partnership, fostering a deeper understanding of lived experiences and encouraging growth in ways that might not have been possible otherwise." - Dr. Marco A. Pedroza, Director of Federal Programs and Grants, Lincoln Public Schools
For further information, please contact the Center for Afghanistan and Regional Studies.