Auxiliary Services provides various support services for the University of Nebraska at Omaha campus community.
The Maverick Store
The Maverick Store is the University of Nebraska at Omaha's official campus store & Maverick spirit headquarters.
UNO Dining Services & Catering
University of Nebraska at Omaha Dining Services and Catering operation is located on the Dodge campus. Every week UNO Dining Services is serving up something new and exciting. Catering services are available for a simple meeting or an extravagant banquet.
MavCARD Services
MavCARD Services can help assist you in obtaining your official University of Nebraska at Omaha Identification card. The MavCARD is the key to campus life at UNO! It is also doubles as your MavRIDE bus pass for the Metro transit system.
UNO Child Care Center
The University of Nebraska at Omaha Child Care Center provides high quality child care and early education service for families as well as opportunities for training, research and further knowledge of the care, education, and development of young children.
Milo Bail Student Center Business Office
Milo Bail Student Center Business Office provides administrative guidance and support to the various auxiliary services within this unit. In addition, it is the custodian of the financial activity of the clubs and organizations recognized on campus.
Thompson Alumni Center
The Thompson Alumni Center offers a unique setting, amazing catering, and a professional staff dedicated to the success of your event.