Michelle Black
- Security Innovation Academic Programming
- Assistant Professor, Political Science
Additional Information
Dr. Black is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science for the University of Nebraska Omaha, Workforce and Education Director for NCITE, a Research Fellow for the National Strategic Research Institute (NSRI) at the University of Nebraska, and Co-Editor for Space and Defense Journal. In addition to her academic career, Dr. Black has over seventeen years of professional experience with the Department of Defense.
Prior to joining UNO, Dr. Black was a government civilian for the Department of Defense from 2009-2016. She specialized in Deterrence Analysis and Adversary Decision-making for the United Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) Plans and Policy Directorate at Offutt Air Force Base. During her time at USSTRATCOM, she provided analysis and recommendations to senior leaders on decision-making strategy, deterring state and non-state actors, and regional expertise. Additionally, she initiated and directed the Deterrence and Assurance Academic Alliance, recruiting over 35 academic institutions to the program. This program provides a platform for defense and academic organizations to communicate and collaborate on research issues regarding Deterrence and Assurance.
Prior to her government civilian work, Dr. Black worked in Psychological Operations from 2001-2009 as U.S. Army Special Operations NCO (Airborne) for the United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) and later as a Defense contractor. She deployed to Iraq, Kuwait, and Qatar during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.
Research Interests
U.S. Foreign Policy; Political Violence, Insurgency and Terrorism; Intelligence and National Security; Deterrence Theory; Political Analysis; Middle East Politics; and International Leadership and StrategyEducation
Ph.D. Political Science; University of Nebraska - Lincoln
M.S. Negotiation and Dispute Resolution; Creighton University
M.S. International Relations; Troy University
Graduate Certificate, Intelligence Studies; Mercyhurst College
B.S. Cultural Anthropology; University of Iowa
Additional Information
Dr. Black is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science for the University of Nebraska Omaha, Workforce and Education Director for NCITE, a Research Fellow for the National Strategic Research Institute (NSRI) at the University of Nebraska, and Co-Editor for Space and Defense Journal. In addition to her academic career, Dr. Black has over seventeen years of professional experience with the Department of Defense.
Prior to joining UNO, Dr. Black was a government civilian for the Department of Defense from 2009-2016. She specialized in Deterrence Analysis and Adversary Decision-making for the United Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) Plans and Policy Directorate at Offutt Air Force Base. During her time at USSTRATCOM, she provided analysis and recommendations to senior leaders on decision-making strategy, deterring state and non-state actors, and regional expertise. Additionally, she initiated and directed the Deterrence and Assurance Academic Alliance, recruiting over 35 academic institutions to the program. This program provides a platform for defense and academic organizations to communicate and collaborate on research issues regarding Deterrence and Assurance.
Prior to her government civilian work, Dr. Black worked in Psychological Operations from 2001-2009 as U.S. Army Special Operations NCO (Airborne) for the United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) and later as a Defense contractor. She deployed to Iraq, Kuwait, and Qatar during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.
Research Interests
U.S. Foreign Policy; Political Violence, Insurgency and Terrorism; Intelligence and National Security; Deterrence Theory; Political Analysis; Middle East Politics; and International Leadership and StrategyEducation
Ph.D. Political Science; University of Nebraska - Lincoln
M.S. Negotiation and Dispute Resolution; Creighton University
M.S. International Relations; Troy University
Graduate Certificate, Intelligence Studies; Mercyhurst College
B.S. Cultural Anthropology; University of Iowa