2021 Business Award Videos
Business Awards History
CHAMPION OF SMALL BUSINESS Awarded to an NBDC client who has triumphed in the field of business and is an empowering entrepreneur who supports small business in Nebraska. 2023 - Patty's Childcare Center |
GOVERNMENT CONTRACTOR OF THE YEAR Awarded to an NBDC client who is successful in selling and delivering products or services to federal, state or local government. 2023 - Prescription Pyro |
INNOVATION BUSINESS OF THE YEAR Awarded to an NBDC client who advances technological innovation, partners with a Nebraska university to meet federal research and development needs, or increases commercialization of federal research. 2023 - Bluestem Biosciences |
SOURCELINK NEBRASKA RESOURCE PARTNER OF THE YEAR Awarded to an NBDC SourceLink Nebraska resource partner's dedication to educating and empowering entrepreneurs statewide. 2023 – Nebraska Enterprise Fund |