In August 2009, one year before opening Platte Valley Ag Products (PVAP), Eric McManaman was introduced by a banker to Ingrid Battershell, center director of in Scottsbluff.
McManaman met with Battershell several times over the next 12 months, and in August 2010, two SBA loans and one for the business entity and one for the purchase of the real estate and milling equipment were approved. PVAP was able to open for business.
“My wife will tell you that I am one of the most plan-happy people you will ever meet,” says McManaman, who co-owns the business with his wife, Jackie.
“The financial projections Ingrid provided really gave us the road map we needed.”
The McManamans purchased the former Hergert Milling, which had been closed since 2008, from David Hergert. The Scottsbluff operation consists of 150,000 bushel grain and ingredient storage, inside hay grinder, covered hay storage, five finished products bins capable of holding more than 360 tons, a pellet mill, covered load-out and truck scale, and associated feed manufacturing facilities including bagging capabilities.
“I had worked about eight years with the previous owner, so I knew some of the potential and how much of an opportunity it was,” McManaman says.
The business has grown considerably since its relaunch as PVAP.
In 2011, McManaman built a 4,000-square-foot feed warehouse. In 2013, a 1,200- square-foot mechanical and welding shop was added. During 2015, a 1,500-square-foot modular home was purchased to serve as an office for the business, and a 5,000-square-foot bagged-feed warehouse was constructed.
Today, PVAP provides high-quality feed supplements to a diverse customer base situated primarily in five states: Nebraska, Colorado, South Dakota, Wyoming and Texas.
A family-owned business rooted in strong Christian principles, PVAP purchases locally grown alfalfa hay and grains and combines them with ingredients purchased from other vendors throughout the Midwest and Intermountain area. This has had a strong economic impact on area farmers who benefit through the purchase of their products. Additionally, the company offers onsite evaluations of producer’s herds and facilities to best recommend products and services that will help achieve long-term goals.
“Since I first met Eric in 2009,” Battershell says, “he has continued to impress me with his knowledge of the industry, financial budgeting, his work ethic, his community responsibilities and his love of family.”
In October 2015, McManaman wanted to consolidate existing short-term debt, purchase additional bins and equipment, and construct a storage building. He again turned to Battershell who assisted with the cash flow projections, pro forma financial statements and assumptions. The loan was approved.
“With our most recent project, Ingrid brought everything in our plan up to date and helped us formulate new projections,” McManaman says. “As an outsider looking in, her experience and opinions give us another viewpoint that’s proved very valuable. She’s a good resource for us and other businesses in the area.”