University Of Nebraska-Lincoln Presents Meat Processing Plants Webinars
Webinars addressed the current state and potential growth of the meat processing industry
- published: 2021/10/29
- contact: NBDC Communications - Nebraska Business Development Center
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- Nebraska Business Development Center

Lincoln, Nebraska – Center for Agriculture Profitability housed in the Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln hosted a webinar series on October 12 and 14 addressing the current state and potential growth of the meat processing industry.
Due to COVID-19, recent market disruptions to the meat processing industry have led the public and livestock producers to be concerned about the size and consolidation of meat processing plants. The purpose of these webinars is to address the following:
- Financial and legal implications of building or renovating a meat processing plant
- Show how and where consolidation has occurred in the meat and poultry processing industry
- Provide information on current grant opportunities for new and existing meat processing plants
- Explain what the University of Nebraska – Lincoln is doing to increase meat processing training and skills
The webinars were presented by Elliott Dennis, Assistant Professor and Extension Livestock Economist, UNL Agricultural Economics; Charlie McPherson, Nebraska Business Development Center Director, Dave Aiken, Professor and Extension Agricultural and Water Law Specialist, UNL Agricultural Economics, Greg Ibach, Under Secretary in Residence, IANR; and Gary Sullivan, Associate Professor of Meat Science.
“There have been a lot of conversation over the last 18 months about the state of the meat industry – do we have enough capacity, what is the trade off between efficient and resilient plants, and whether there is a need to build more plants. The hope of these webinars was to provide a historical review of meat processing, analyze current plant building costs and benefits, and to explain the grant opportunities available to help fund these expansions in processing,” said Elliott Dennis.
To view the recorded webinars:
- Developing A Meat Processing Plant: Financial and Legal Issues (Oct. 12, 2021 Webinar): CLICK HERE
- Grant Opportunities for New and Existing Meat Processing Plants (Oct. 14, 2021 Webinar): CLICK HERE
Organizers want the public to know there are resources out there for individuals looking to start a small meat processing facility in Nebraska.
“Nebraska Business Development Center is able to assist anyone looking to start a meat processing facility from startup, expansion, purchasing and exiting. We also help with the business planning process, financial forecasting, and loan packaging. We hope individuals will reach out and take advantage of these resources,” said Charlie McPherson.
For more information or to get notified of any upcoming webinars on this topic, contact Elliott Dennis: 402-472-2164 or For information on how NBDC can assist your meat processing facility, contact Charlie McPherson: 308-340-0422 or
The interdisciplinary Center for Agricultural Profitability is based in the Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. It facilitates faculty research, conducts extension outreach related to agricultural profitability and farm and ranch management and trains undergraduate and graduate students — all to support informed decision-making in agriculture. The Center for Ag Profitability will build on strengths present in the university’s Department of Agricultural Economics through collaboration with other research and education units within IANR and the University of Nebraska system. It aims to serve agricultural producers, agribusiness professionals and the economy in Nebraska and beyond. For more information, visit