Transition from DUNS Number to UEI (Unique Entity Identifier)
Beginning on April 4, 2022, the government will officially transition to using the Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) from the DUNS number. Continue reading to learn more about this important change and how it may affect your business.
- published: 2021/03/10
- contact: NBDC Communications - Nebraska Business Development Center
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- search keywords:
- DUNS Number
- Small Business
- Government Contracting

Omaha, Nebraska – The Nebraska Business Development Center’s (NBDC) Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) provides government contracting assistance to Nebraska companies. We always strive to keep the Nebraska businesses engaged in government contracting aware of important developments. In this article, we will talk about the DUNS to UEI transition including how this transition will affect you and what steps you need to take.
Why is this transition happening?
Beginning on April 4, 2022, the government will officially transition to using the Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) from the DUNS number. The UEI number is automatically created in SAM when an entity is registered onto its database. The federal government will start using the UEI number of each entity to uniquely identify it. This allows the government to cease using third-party websites like Duns & Bradstreet (D&B). DUNS numbers will continue to exist after the transition; however, they will no longer be utilized by the federal government.
“This transition allows the government to streamline the entity identification and validation process, making it easier and less burdensome for entities to do business with the federal government.”
How will this affect your business?
Companies that do business with the government should be aware of this change because the process is being simplified, but there is an increased importance on knowing your UEI. You will only need to go to to update and record your entities information. Companies will no longer need to update D&B prior to updating their, allowing companies to go to a single place. There will be no more searches with DUNS on, no more registering with D&B to get a DUNS number, and no need to have two separate help desks if issues arise. You will now be able to acquire your UEI and use that identifier throughout the entire platform.
What actions do you need to take?
If your entity is currently registered in, then you will automatically have a Unique Entity ID assigned. This also includes inactive registrations. You can find your UEI when you log into your account.
How Nebraska PTAC can assist you in this process:
NBDC Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) consultants offer assistance with SAM registrations and renewals alongside any other questions you may have about government contracting. Get free, confidential, experienced guidance from start to finish.
Contact your PTAC consultant today to check on your status to see if you need to re-activate your account or renew your registration to keep it current.