Tony Schultz Named Nebraska SBDC Director
Schultz will lead the strategic direction of the no-cost small business consulting program at the Nebraska Business Development Center.
- published: 2022/11/07
- contact: NBDC Communications - Nebraska Business Development Center
- phone: 402.554.6256
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- Omaha
- Position Announcement

Omaha, Nebraska – Tony Schultz has been named the state director for Nebraska’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC), a program of the Nebraska Business Development Center (NBDC). The program, funded in part through an agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration, offers no-cost consulting services to business owners and entrepreneurs as they start, grow, and transition their companies. As state director, Schultz will be responsible for overseeing the operations and strategic direction of seven Nebraska SBDC locations.
Schultz has served as the Omaha SBDC center director since 2019, consulting in the metro area. In this role, he supported small businesses in the retail, restaurant, and service-oriented sectors in the review of business plans, credit reports, marketing plans, financial statements, and business operations. In addition, Schultz spearheaded several initiatives including a conference and pitch competition for entrepreneurs from underserved communities and a “New Year, New Business” series focused on small business start-ups.
Schultz joined NBDC with more than18 years of experience in the field of commercial real estate with focuses on operational management, marketing, budgeting, employee training, and tenant lease negotiations.
“Tony is the perfect person to lead the Nebraska SBDC program,” said Catherine Lang, NBDC executive director. “He has already made a tremendous impact as the Omaha center director by developing new collaborations, improving our outreach efforts, and acting as an incredible partner to the businesses we serve. I can’t wait to see how Nebraska’s SBDC program will grow under his leadership.”
“As a lifelong Nebraskan, the economy of Nebraska and the people of Nebraska are very important to me,” said Schultz. "Small business development and entrepreneurship are the engines that drive our economic success. As we look toward the future, the Nebraska SBDC will continue to support and advocate for entrepreneurs looking to start, expand, and grow their businesses to new levels. I look forward to the opportunities ahead for the Nebraska SBDC.”
Schultz began the role on November 7. To request support from the Nebraska SBDC, visit