Demystifying Government Contracting: How to Write a Capability Statement
- date: 04/30/21
- time: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
- location: Webinar • maps
- contact: Daniel Kuchar - Nebraska Business Development Center • 402.853.3393 •
- search keywords:
- Government Contracting
- capability statements
The Nebraska PTAC's Demystifying Government Contracting series guides attendees through 11 sessions from the beginnings of the government contracting process all the way to the end - including special topics. Businesses can join the series at whatever point is most relevant to their company.
A capability statement is a short, one-page document with important information about your company. Capability statements can be used to help market your business to a government agency. However, contracting officers are very selective when reviewing a company's capability statement. Join the Nebraska PTAC and the Small Business Administration to learn about what to include on your document and how to present it.