FOR INNOVATIVE ENTREPRENEURS interested in working with the Department of Defense, NBDC has developed a series of events to help participants prepare for pitch events and conferences as well as funding opportunities.
Opportunities with the Department of Defense
Sign Up for Technology Transfer Day
Complete sign up form to apply for Technology Transfer Day on September 9. This will automatically generate the Information Paper/BLUF and Quad Chart required for your pitch appointment.
Prepare for your Appointment
The following virtual sessions (conducted via Zoom) will help you finalize the documents you will need at your appointment with technology scouts from the DoD. You can complete a Technology Readiness Level assessment here.
Quad Chart Revision
Preparing Information Paper/BLUF for Technology Transfer Day
Developing Poster Presentation for Technology Transfer Day
Preparing Pitch Deck for Technology Transfer Day
Air Force SBIR Webinar
After each training session, Traci Hancock will host office hours where participants can receive feedback on their documents. Reserve a spot at this link.
Request an Appointment to Pitch
Email Josh Nichol-Caddy (jnicholcaddy@unomaha.edu) or Traci Hancock (thancock@nsri.nebraskaresearch.gov) to request an appointment to pitch an innovative product to technology scouts representing the Department of Defense.
Innovations at earlier stages of development should participate in a Poster Session on September 8. Innovations at Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) of 6 or more should request to participate in the Pitch Session on September 9.
You can complete a Technology Readiness Level assessment here. Note: Pitch participants must complete the application and attend the training events above.