UNO Testing Center Exam Proctoring for Online Distance Education Courses
- contact: John M. Golka - Testing Center - Kayser
- phone:Â 402.554.2897
- email:Â

The University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) Testing Center is offering exam proctoring services to all UNO faculty who teach an online Distance Education (DE) course during the Summer 2016. Interested faculty are to contact John Golka, Testing Center Director, at or 402.554.4800 to discuss exam proctoring arrangements.
Faculty with arrangements will be forwarded a Distance Education Instructor Testing Request Form. This is to be returned via email to the address noted on the form by May 1, 2016. Meeting the deadline will enable the Testing Center to reserve testing space and provide details for the instructor to share with students by the first day of class.
General Exam Proctoring Guidelines:
- All exams must be online.
- Students will register for exams through Mavlink
- There will be "walk-in" appointments at the Testing Center for all exams on the scheduled testing window dates. The maximum window for an exam will be 5 days. All DE exams will begin at 9 A.M. and end by 4:30 P.M. on the scheduled testing window dates. Exams will not be scheduled when the Testing Center is not open.
- Students will be able to take an exam any time on all the scheduled dates and between the scheduled times. If a student checks in by the scheduled ending time, they will have time to complete the exam prior to the Testing Center closing for the day. If they check in after the scheduled ending time, they will not be able to take the exam that day.
Visit the Testing Center for additional specific Online Distance Education (DE) Exam information under the Testing Services tab.