UNO Flag Lowering for Margaret Gessaman
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The University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) flag will be lowered today, May 10, 2016, for Margaret Gessaman, a beloved retiree who passed away June 17, 2014. Margaret was 79 years old at the time of her death.
Margaret received her B.S, M.S., and Ph.D. from Montana State University. She taught at Ithaca College for several years before coming to UNO in 1970. During her 30 years at UNO, 1970-2000, Margaret held positions as Professor and Chair of the Mathematics Department and Dean of Graduate Studies.
In those roles, Margaret accomplished many great feats. For example, as Chair of the Mathematics Department, Margaret supported efforts by faculty members to develop a Math Club for undergraduate students. In addition, as Dean of Graduate Studies, she defended high scholarly standards and strengthened the Graduate College in the important areas of academic and curricular quality and rigor.
In 1978, Margaret was recognized with the Chancellor’s Medal for her extraordinary service to UNO.