BMCH Semiar Series | Oct. 28
- date: 10/28/16
- time: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
- location: HPER |112 • maps
- contact: Angela Collins - Dept. of Biomechanics and Center for Research •
- search keywords:

The next BMCH seminar series is featuring Dr. Kun Hu on Friday, October 28 in HPER 112 from 3 - 4 P.M.
Hu is from the Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's Hospital. He will be presenting on Fractal physiology: Application in sleep and circadian research. One of the most puzzling phenomena in biology is the fractal pattern in the spontaneous fluctuations of many physiological outputs such as motor activity and heartbeat fluctuations, i.e., the patterns of fluctuations are very similar at different time scales. These fractal patterns are robust in healthy physiological systems but are significantly altered or reduced in perturbed systems associated with aging and pathological conditions, indicating important underlying fractal controls that provide system integrity and adaptability.
This event is supported by the Department of Biomechanics and the Center for Research in Human Movement Variability.