Grammy-Nominated Karrin Allyson Returns to UNO
- date: 11/15/16
- time: 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM
- location: Strauss Performing Arts Center • maps
- contact: Nolan Searl - University Communications • 402.554.2087 •

OMAHA – Five-time Grammy-nominated singer and University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) alumna Karrin Allyson is returning to the UNO campus for a night of jazz this November.
Allyson will perform on Tuesday, Nov. 15 at the Strauss Performing Arts Center on UNO’s Dodge Campus.
The show will begin promptly at 7:30 P.M. There is no admission for the event and tickets are not required. However, donations to the UNO Jazz Scholarship Endowment will be accepted.
The show will feature Allyson’s romantic, sly and swinging take on classic jazz tunes, including “Hum Drum Blues,” “One Note Samba” and “O Pato.” The repertoire is drawn from several of the singer’s critically acclaimed albums.Allyson will be performing alongside the UNO Jazz Ensemble. The concert will open with selections performed by UNO Jazz Ensemble Two and the Metropolitan Area Youth Jazz Orchestra.