A Message from the President
Regarding a possible UNO-UNMC legislative study
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- Chancellor Transition

To the Faculty, Staff and Students of the University of Nebraska at Omaha and University of Nebraska Medical Center:
Last night I learned that there is a possibility the Legislature may conduct a study about the feasibility of consolidating UNO and UNMC into a single University of Nebraska institution in Omaha.
We appreciate senators’ interest in the University and we are always ready to be a resource to legislators as they do their work. I do want to be very clear about this potential interim study (LR218). It was not brought forward at the University’s request and we did not know it would be introduced.
Of course, we’ll be pleased to have conversations with interested senators about the reasoning behind our decision to name Dr. Gold to lead both UNMC and UNO. We will make the same points we have shared with all of you: That this appointment opens exciting opportunities for student and faculty collaborations, that we think can find additional fiscal efficiencies, and that while it makes sense for our Omaha-based campuses to work more closely together, UNO and UNMC also each have distinct and important missions to serve our state.
I do want to be very clear about this potential interim study (LR218). It was not brought forward at the University’s request and we did not know it would be introduced.
If the Legislature decides to pursue this study, we would work with policymakers to provide the information they seek. We would use a study as an opportunity to engage legislators in a discussion about the role that each University of Nebraska campus plays in transforming lives and communities across our state.
We will be clear and consistent, however, about our thinking regarding this leadership transition.
Thank you for your input and engagement over the past few weeks. I know you will have more questions and comments as Dr. Gold moves into his new role, and I invite you to continue to share those. Chancellor Gold and I are both excited about the opportunities for deeper partnership in Omaha – and we are just as excited about the potential for each individual institution to do even more to serve students and people in Nebraska and around the world. We’re in that position of strength because of your hard work. Thank you for all that you do for the University of Nebraska.
Hank M. Bounds, Ph.D.
President, University of Nebraska