A Message From University Leadership on Houston
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Many of us have watched the devastation unfold in Houston with a growing sense of concern for the people who have had their lives, homes, businesses and schools upended. At the University of Nebraska, we’re a family – and we’ve shown time and again that when our fellow human beings are in need, we’re ready to join hands and help however we can.
Now, Houston needs help. We’ve reached out to leadership in the areas affected by Hurricane Harvey to ask about supplies, services and other opportunities for aid. Even as we work to determine the specifics, there are ways each of us can help right now. We hope you’ll consider making a donation to the American Red Cross, and we invite you to visit www.nebraska.edu/houston for additional information on how to support relief efforts there. We’ll update the website as more information on the University of Nebraska’s involvement in Houston and ideas on how you can help become available.
The students, faculty and staff of the University of Nebraska make up a remarkable community – one that’s strongest when our values of caring and compassion are on display. We hope you’ll join us in supporting the people of Houston in whatever way you can, whether a thought or prayer, a donation or some other contribution. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.
Hank M. Bounds, Ph.D.
President, University of Nebraska
Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D.
Chancellor, University of Nebraska Medical Center
and University of Nebraska at Omaha
Ronnie Green, Ph.D.
Chancellor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Doug Kristensen, J.D.
Chancellor, University of Nebraska at Kearney