Bus Rapid Transit Takes Next Step in Project
Omaha Metro Transit unveils new brand, ORBT (Or-bit), as part of the Bus Rapid Transit project, which will include a UNO stop in late 2018
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Omaha – Omaha Metro announced the new brand of their Bus Rapid Transit project on Wednesday, Aug. 16 at a press conference in Westroads Mall.
The project breaks ground in late 2017 with ORBT operations beginning in late 2018. The visioning of the project began in December 2013 with a Stakeholder Committee established in October 2015.
A variety of public engagement sessions, including two at UNO's Thompson Center and Durham Science Center have taken place to date.
The route will begin and end at Westroads Mall and Downtown Omaha, running through UNO down Dodge Street.
Feedback has been taken from mobile workshops, public meetings, open houses, community conversations, organizational partnerships, online forms, and a host of other methods to help us make decisions. Participation from a representative stakeholder group has also informed the decision-making process:
On August 13, 2015, Metro held a public open house to provide an update on the BRT project and to reveal three preliminary station design concepts.
On June 15, 2016, an additional public open house showcased modified station designs and sought feedback for vehicle amenities.
Throughout the project, Metro took suggestions for brand names and values, all of which informed the final name. ORBT was a local suggestion, and the brand features were inspired by values offered by the public.