Eikenberry Elected President of Nonprofit Research Organization
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On Friday, Sept. 22, UNO associate professor Angela Eikenberry was named president-elect for the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA).
As president, Eikenberry will oversee the Board of Directors for the leading national organization in the nonprofit sector, connecting scholars, teachers and practice leaders engaged in research nonprofit, volunterism and philanthropy.
"I am extremely honored and excited by the opportunity to contribute to ARNOVA’s continued success as president-elect," Eikenberry said. "ARNOVA has played an especially valuable role in our field by supporting emerging and diverse scholars and scholarship, providing high quality venues for research presentations and publications, and growing interdisciplinary and international partnerships. As president, I will do all I can to support expanding these efforts and continuing to keep ARNOVA welcoming and inclusive."
Eikenberry, who is one of three professors focused on nonprofit in the School of Public Administration, will serve one year as president-elect and then serve a two-year term as president before staying on for one additional year as past president.
"Dr. Eikenberry is well known by nonprofit scholars across the United States and internationally," says Ethel Williams, director of the UNO School of Public Administration. "All of us here at the School of Public Administration are extremly proud of this honor and all of Dr. Eikenberry's accomplishments."
Eikenberry has earned three degrees from UNO, including a Ph.D. in Public Administration. Recently, Eikenberry received a Fulbright Scholar Award for 2014-2015 to study giving circles in the United Kingdom and, in 2016, she received the UNO Award for Distinguished Research or Creative Activity.