Monthly BRT Update
Regular updates on the work of the Budget Response Teams.

As promised, we are beginning to provide regular updates on the work of the Budget Response Teams. This email covers our progress toward our $30 million cost-cutting target, updates from individual BRTs, and common questions and answers. |
Here’s the Gain We can be proud of the progress we’ve made so far. As you will see in the accompanying graphic, we’ve captured $6.6 million in Budget Response Team savings. These are real dollars – equivalent to a 2 percent tuition increase – a credit to BRT members and other campus personnel who are working hard to implement cost-reduction plans with the simultaneous goal of moving the university forward in these challenging times. |
These Savings Have Not Been Painless Most of our savings so far have come from position eliminations, not surprising since the bulk of university spending goes toward personnel. We’ve cut 61 positions so far through attrition and eliminating unfilled positions. These are all jobs that under better circumstances we would have wanted to fill as they existed or to redirect to new tasks. Their elimination means campuses are having to do more with less. |
Our savings are on track, but we still have a ways to go. And, the seriousness of our state’s fiscal challenges was made even more clear a few weeks ago when Nebraska’s economic forecasting board lowered revenue projections further. It will take sacrifice and a real commitment to change on all our parts to reach our $30 million target. |
Thank You I have spent the past several weeks meeting and listening to hundreds of staff, faculty and administrators across the NU system. On each occasion, I have been impressed by everyone's commitment to our educational mission in spite of the challenges we face. Your feedback, suggestions and willingness to work in new and different ways are making a difference. With your continued involvement, I believe we will not only manage this challenge, but also help the State of Nebraska grow its way to a stronger future in the days ahead. For more on the Budget Response Team report, read the full update. |