Great Plains IDeA-CTR Offering Research Studios
The GP IDeA-CTR is pleased to offer Research Studios for early career investigators, to help refine their research.
- published: 2019/01/31
- contact: Katy Vitale - Office of Research and Creative Activity
- phone:Â 402.554.2286
- email:Â

Review of an aims page with brief proposed methods.
Grant review before submission (simulated mock NIH review).
Brainstorming session for investigators who have hit a funding roadblock.
Faculty from participating institutions who are not full professors (with preference to assistant and associate professors). Priority will be given to individuals who have unsuccessfully applied for prior Great Plains IDeA-CTR funding (Scholar or Pilot program applications).
Previous or current Scholar/Pilot awardees are not eligible.
Other applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Fill out the request form through the link below and attach your proposal and biosketch to be reviewed.
Documents Required for Studio Options
Please select from the following option that best meets your needs for the studio (1, 2, or 3).
Aims page review and refinement. Submit aims page (1 page) with brief proposed methods (1 -2 pages if drafted and you want feedback).
Mock review of grant application. Submit Aims page plus a 6-page research strategy (that addresses Significance, Innovation, and Approach – design, sample, variables/measures, procedure, and data analysis sections) for review 4 weeks prior to grant submission deadline. No appendices please.
Brainstorming Session, particularly for individuals that have hit a funding roadblock. Submit previous short narrative describing the status of grant submissions and what you want the reviewers to focus on. Include summary sheet(s) with proposal(s) for discussion.
For additional information or to set up a studio, please contact the Great Plains IDeA-CTR office at 402-552-2260 or