Faculty and Staff Discounts Available for Omaha Athletics Summer Camps
- published: 2023/05/19
- contact: Omaha Athletics
- email:Â unotickets@omavs.com
- search keywords:
- Omaha Mavericks
- Omaha Athletics
- Summer Camps
Omaha Athletics is providing an exclusive faculty and staff discount for their summer youth camps. The Mavericks hope your families are able to take advantage of this opportunity!
Email PK Kinney at prkinney@omavs.com for 15% off.
Men’s Basketball
View camp dates, pricing and more
The camp for grades 4-12 will be discounted $50 through May 27. UNO faculty and staff can use the code mavstaff23 for an additional discount on all camps. Limited spots available!
Women’s Basketball
Email Megan Black at meganblack@omavs.com for more details.
Men’s and Women’s Soccer
Use code UNOSTAFF for 20% off camps.
Email Jen Daro at jendaro@omavs.com for camp dates and faculty/staff discount information.
Use code STAFF 15 at Maverickvolleyballcamps.com for 15% off