The core elements of our brand identity, when consistently applied to all our communications, reinforce the UNO brand.
The difference between a good brand and a great brand is consistency. Consistency helps build recognition and strengthens our messaging. It’s easy to quickly create fliers, brochures, and other communications pieces, but maintaining brand consistency across campus can be a challenge.
Rather than leaving the brand open to interpretation, we’ve identified five core elements that are required on all print and communications pieces.
- University Logo
The University Logo is the master logo used by the University of Nebraska system and is the main identifier for UNO.
- Campus Icon
The Campus Icon, or the “O,” is a graphical representation of the acronym U-N-O, and is used to foster immediate recognition of the UNO brand.
To save space, the Logo Lock-up may be used to display the University Logo and the Campus Icon.

- Disclaimer Statements
There are three disclaimer statements that may need to be included in your communications pieces. The Non-discrimination Statement is required on all materials, while the Disability and Photography Statements have parameters around when they need to be used.
Disclaimer statements should be displayed at the bottom or on the back of communications pieces and should be no smaller than 6-point type.
Here are the statements and usage parameters:
The Non-Discrimination Statement* is required on all print and digital materials representing the colleges, units, and departments of UNO.
The University of Nebraska does not discriminate based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, genetic information, veteran status, marital status, and/or political affiliation in its education programs or activities, including admissions and employment. The University prohibits any form of retaliation taken against anyone for reporting discrimination, harassment, or retaliation for otherwise engaging in protected activity.
The Accessibility Statement is required when inviting anyone to any event (meeting, gathering, movie viewing, Commencement, etc.) using any format (print, electronic announcement, postcard, etc.) so that the invitee is aware of the accommodations available to them on our campus. It must be used in conjunction with the Non-Discrimination Statement.
- UNO is an AA/EEO/ADA institution. For Title IX concerns, please contact the Title IX Coordinator (phone:402.554.2120). For ADA/504 accommodations or assistance, please call/contact the ADA/504 Coordinator (phone 402.554.2463) or the Accessibility Services Center (phone: 402.554.2872).
The Photography Statement is required on all event materials where photographs will be taken. It must be used in conjunction with the Non-Discrimination Statement and the Accessibility Statement.
The University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) will be taking pictures at this event for use in advertising and other promotional materials, whether print, electronic or other media.
* Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 states: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” UNO receives federal financial assistance in terms of grants, student aid, and programs, thus we must affirm our compliance and non-discriminatory policies in all programs and activities.
- URW Grotesk Typeface
URW Grotesk is the primary typeface for UNO. Individuals who create UNO communications materials on a regular basis should have the font installed on their computers.
There are certain instances when university typefaces are not available or not suitable for specific platforms and media such as PowerPoint. In those instances, Arial Narrow or Helvetica may be used in place of URW Grotesk.
To obtain a font license for URW Grotesk, please submit a Start Your Project – Design & Marketing request.
- UNO Writing Style Guide
All materials should be written consistently in the UNO writing style. This style guide was created as a tool to help the UNO community present a unified, cohesive approach in the details of the written products we create for the public.
Although it is based on the AP Writing Style Guide, there are modifications that have been made to accommodate unique university needs.
View the writing style guide