![Chris Brady](../_img1718/chris-brady.png)
Chris Brady
- Junior
- College of Communication, Fine Arts and Media
Additional Information
The main reason I want to be a senator in Student Government is I want to have a voice and be the voice for others. I want to expand the role of policy-making, and awareness of legislation throughout the College of CFAM. Being someone who is heavily invested in politics, it is of paramount virtue that I get hands-on with what happens at the University. For too long the College of CFAM and particularly the School of Music has struggled with representation in Student Government, and I am someone who truly cares about the issues, and I do not enjoy anything more than watching the subtleties of politics and government play out, either on the federal level or here at the University level. A senator should not just be someone who is an esteemed student within their college; they must also be dedicated enough to participate in the democratic and political process. What others might find "boring" or "tedious" I find exciting, and am on the edge of my seat watching the role of different senators play out, either by introducing legislation or speaking about something they feel passionate about.
The main issue(s), specifically that of Student Government ironically enough, is the overall reach and information that is being put out about S.G. I feel that Student Government can do MORE to announce what they are doing (or that they even exist!) and can help spread the word to get students not only interested, but attempt to get them involved, either by reaching out to their senator or attending meetings. One problem I experienced was that I did not know we had a Student Government. As a Student Senator, I know for a fact I can do quite a bit of outreach and communication to my constituents about what is going on with their University, and what I am doing to help the College of CFAM and University as a whole. I am an astute student, one who prides himself on being academically successful, and involved. As of this Semester, and I have consecutively made the Dean’s List, currently hold a 3.9 GPA (as a Regent Scholar), and have had a variety of roles dealing with leadership and teamwork. As a member of over half a dozen different ensembles just last Semester alone, I, as an award-winning musician, know firsthand the type of dedication, teamwork, and resolve that it takes to be a member of any organization. I helped found the Advocacy Committee for UNO's R.H.A., and am currently the acting Chairman of that committee. I've traveled the world, introducing myself to a variety of diverse people AND ideas, as apart of UNO's Music Program, and I want to take the knowledge, and diverse influences I've had from my peers, and translate it into something meaningful to benefit my constituents as a Senator. I have been more-than-involved here on campus, helping found Young Americans for Freedom my freshman year. I’m rather particular about issues and complaints, and refuse to just “sit back” - I have to get involved and raise issues that I believe in. I’ve fought for our University Housing student’s right to display the American flag on campus; I’ve met with upper management both here at the University and at my place of work when I see a serious issue going on of varying degree. If you want someone to recognize issues, but just sit back and complain without acting, I am not your guy. When something needs to be changed, or an ideas needs to be proposed, I am at the frontlines of initiating conversation and dialogue.
I love volunteering. I've volunteered for Politicians' campaign (as a musician and as a citizen), so I can dedicate myself to what can be, sometimes, hours of work without compensation for the betterment of what I believe in and what our constituents believe in. Student Government MATTERS to me, and I can put my nose to grindstone, like I have for the hundreds of hours I've spent in a practice room, to get things done and have the determination and drive to be successful. I am an esteemed member of my College as well. I am a member in some of the top Ensembles for the School of Music, which means I'm well-known, and respected by several of my colleagues and peers. I’m a familiar face to almost everyone I interact with in the college of CFAM, and I would be more than capable of fulfilling the role of a Senator to represent the people of my college well.
Connect with Me
Facebook: chris.brady.71619533Snapchat: chris_brady4
Additional Information
The main reason I want to be a senator in Student Government is I want to have a voice and be the voice for others. I want to expand the role of policy-making, and awareness of legislation throughout the College of CFAM. Being someone who is heavily invested in politics, it is of paramount virtue that I get hands-on with what happens at the University. For too long the College of CFAM and particularly the School of Music has struggled with representation in Student Government, and I am someone who truly cares about the issues, and I do not enjoy anything more than watching the subtleties of politics and government play out, either on the federal level or here at the University level. A senator should not just be someone who is an esteemed student within their college; they must also be dedicated enough to participate in the democratic and political process. What others might find "boring" or "tedious" I find exciting, and am on the edge of my seat watching the role of different senators play out, either by introducing legislation or speaking about something they feel passionate about.
The main issue(s), specifically that of Student Government ironically enough, is the overall reach and information that is being put out about S.G. I feel that Student Government can do MORE to announce what they are doing (or that they even exist!) and can help spread the word to get students not only interested, but attempt to get them involved, either by reaching out to their senator or attending meetings. One problem I experienced was that I did not know we had a Student Government. As a Student Senator, I know for a fact I can do quite a bit of outreach and communication to my constituents about what is going on with their University, and what I am doing to help the College of CFAM and University as a whole. I am an astute student, one who prides himself on being academically successful, and involved. As of this Semester, and I have consecutively made the Dean’s List, currently hold a 3.9 GPA (as a Regent Scholar), and have had a variety of roles dealing with leadership and teamwork. As a member of over half a dozen different ensembles just last Semester alone, I, as an award-winning musician, know firsthand the type of dedication, teamwork, and resolve that it takes to be a member of any organization. I helped found the Advocacy Committee for UNO's R.H.A., and am currently the acting Chairman of that committee. I've traveled the world, introducing myself to a variety of diverse people AND ideas, as apart of UNO's Music Program, and I want to take the knowledge, and diverse influences I've had from my peers, and translate it into something meaningful to benefit my constituents as a Senator. I have been more-than-involved here on campus, helping found Young Americans for Freedom my freshman year. I’m rather particular about issues and complaints, and refuse to just “sit back” - I have to get involved and raise issues that I believe in. I’ve fought for our University Housing student’s right to display the American flag on campus; I’ve met with upper management both here at the University and at my place of work when I see a serious issue going on of varying degree. If you want someone to recognize issues, but just sit back and complain without acting, I am not your guy. When something needs to be changed, or an ideas needs to be proposed, I am at the frontlines of initiating conversation and dialogue.
I love volunteering. I've volunteered for Politicians' campaign (as a musician and as a citizen), so I can dedicate myself to what can be, sometimes, hours of work without compensation for the betterment of what I believe in and what our constituents believe in. Student Government MATTERS to me, and I can put my nose to grindstone, like I have for the hundreds of hours I've spent in a practice room, to get things done and have the determination and drive to be successful. I am an esteemed member of my College as well. I am a member in some of the top Ensembles for the School of Music, which means I'm well-known, and respected by several of my colleagues and peers. I’m a familiar face to almost everyone I interact with in the college of CFAM, and I would be more than capable of fulfilling the role of a Senator to represent the people of my college well.
Connect with Me
Facebook: chris.brady.71619533Snapchat: chris_brady4