Additional Information
Explain the main reason that you have for wanting to run for Student Government.
Being involved within my community is within my nature. Whether it be volunteering, showing up to community events, or having a position like this I find it extremely important to give back to a community that gives to you. Student Government has always been a thought ever since I was introduced to it at an information booth. Since then I have found my place in other organizations on campus. This year I had the wonderful opportunity to be a Resident Assistant on Scott Campus. Within this position I have been able to be an active role within the campus community. When I discovered this year as well that I could hold a position representing Scott Campus within our Student Government- I knew I wanted to be apart of it immediately. Seeing the impact that Student Government has had on the issues pertinent to the students of UNO is something I want to be apart of and be able to work on with a team of other dedicated students.
Provide an issue that you think should be changed or improved on campus.
For the position I am applying for, I think it would be appropriate to choose a Scott Campus issue. I have found that one of the major issues this year has been parking. Students are extremely frustrated with the current situation. There is a specific parking lot where if you park on one side you will get a ticket but if you park in the the lot adjacent to it, you will not get a ticket. The students find this to be a major discrepancy within the parking policy. I would want to work towards coming to some sort of a compromise with the students and Parking Services. Many students do not believe that they have a voice that will be heard by Parking Services and I want to help amplify their voice.
What makes you qualified to sit on Student Government?
I believe I am qualified to sit on Student Government for two reasons, my dedication to giving back to my community and my already active role within Scott Campus as a Resident Assistant. I could say I feel I am qualified for my intelligence or my leadership abilities but I believe the previously mentioned characteristics matter much more. I am a student who loves giving back to my campus and loves being able to help the student's voice be heard. I have already had a bit of a chance this year to do that in my position on Scott Campus. I am the link between leasing/management and the residents of this campus. Having had the opportunity to make my own residents voices heard and assure them that their opinion does matter and is being taken into consideration, I want to be able to do that on a higher scale. I have shown to the residents this year that it's not just my job to here what they have to say but I genuinely want to know their thoughts and opinions. I want Scott Campus and UNO's campus as a whole to be it's absolute best and that is impossible without hearing the voice of the students.