UNO offers counseling related to a wide range alcohol and drug issues. The level of treatment provided at UNO has two common names that are used interchangeably: “level one” and “outpatient counseling." This involves one-on-one counseling with a therapist.
The following is a list of alcohol and drug related services and common topics treated at UNO:
Substance Use Evaluations
Substance use evaluations help provide a treatment plan. UNO provides this service free of charge for students currently enrolled at UNO. The screening tool we use is called the ASI (Addiction Severity Index) which is accepted by the Criminal Justice System.
For students needing an assessment for court/probation related incidences, UNO charges $75. Seeking this service in the community may cost up to $200. Substance use assessment is generally done at the first session in the alcohol and drug counseling process.
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
UNO provides one-on-one counseling treating substance use disorders. A substance use evaluation can help determine the level of care (e.g. outpatient, intensive outpatient, residential). In the event that a higher level of care is recommended, counselors at UNO will help students connect with community partners to help serve their counseling needs.
Co-occurring Disorders
Co-occurring disorders refer to individuals who have a mental health diagnosis as well as a substance use disorder. Best results are achieved when the mental health disorder and substance use disorder are treated simultaneously. This occurs by receiving care from a licensed mental health counselor and a licensed substance abuse counselor or a dual licensed mental health/substance abuse counselor.
Best practice suggests medication management be administered by a care provider with experience in prescribing medications for co-occurring disorders as part of the treatment team.
Loved Ones and Substance Use or Co-Occurring Disorder
Growing up in a household where one or more members struggled with a substance use disorder can impact thoughts, emotions, reactions and future relationships. UNO provides counseling that can assist with unhealthy patterns that have developed with the goal to create new healthy relationships.
Tobacco Use
Students wanting to seek treatment for smoking cessation are encouraged to set up an appointment with Nate Bock at 402.554.2409.
Court/Probation Referred Substance Use Counseling
Level one (outpatient) substance use counseling is available at UNO for students required to participate in this level of treatment. A flat fee $75 is required. To make an appointment, please call 402.554.2409 and request to meet with a counselor related to substance use treatment. Our services are confidential for adults 19 and older. Students under the age of 18 will be asked to complete a consent to treat form to be signed by a parent or guardian.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other in order to recover from alcoholism. There are no dues or fees for AA membership. This organization is self-supporting through members own contributions.
AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization, or institution. The primary purpose of AA is to stay sober and help others to achieve sobriety.
Find an A.A. meeting on campus
Online Brief Intervention
Students interested in seeing how their alcohol use compares to other UNO students can complete the online tool. Average time to complete the tool is approximately 10 minutes.
Any questions that may arise while taking the college alcohol profile (CAP) can be directed to Nate Bock or Mark Frillman at 402.554.2409.
Family and Parent Resources
Power of Parenting is a useful tool that is aimed at helping parents discuss alcohol and drug use with their students. Communication styles learned within this tool can also be used in conversations about things other than drugs and alcohol.
Research shows that parents can strongly influence their students decisions. Feel free to browse this resource by clicking the link below.
General Information on Drug and Alcohol Issues
Alcohol is the number one drug used on college campuses. It is estimated that 1,825 college students die each year related to alcohol use. Accidents involving bodily harm are estimated to be around 599,000 incidences and approximately 690,000 students report being assaulted by another student who has been drinking (NIAAA). These numbers do not account for negative consequences related to damaged relationships, loss of time for school goals, legal incidents, family conflict and health disturbances.
Typically, 10% of the population who chooses to drink alcohol will eventually meet criteria for a substance use disorder.
Note: there is some variation that exists with the percentage of college students who meet criteria for a substance use disorder, but even when considering the variations the estimated range is between 3-10%.
Binge drinking rates are believed to occur between 40-50% (Wechsler 1994). With consideration of these stats, it is important to remember that the majority of college students do not have substance use disorders and do not regularly binge drink. For those who do drink alcohol, the level of negative consequences rises as their blood alcohol levels increase.