Wellness Indicators
The following wellness indicators incorporate multiple elements of every day health into one model. Each indicator can affect our overall quality of life, because wellness directly relates to how long we live and how well we live. Below is a list of each indicator and a short description of the role they play in wellness.
Emotional WellnessCoping effectively with life and creating satisfying relationships. |
Environmental WellnessGood health by occupying pleasant, stimulating environments. |
Financial WellnessSatisfaction with current and future financial situations. |
Intellectual WellnessRecognizing creative abilities and finding ways to expand on skills. |
Occupational WellnessPersonal satisfaction and enrichment from one's work. |
Physical WellnessRecognizing the need for physical activity, healthy foods, and sleep. |
Social WellnessDeveloping a sense of connection, belonging, and support. |
Spiritual WellnessExpanding our sense of purpose and meaning in life. |