Nearly everything that we do leaves some kind of waste. Sustainable waste management practices find ways to reduce, reuse, or recycle waste instead of sending it to the landfill.
There are numerous benefits to sustainable waste management ranging from saving energy and money to preventing pollution and conserving natural resources. Sustainable procurement focuses on socially and economically responsible purchasing while minimizing the environmental impact throughout the supply chain.
By implementing sustainable procurement practices, UNO will reduce costs, promote a sustainable image, reduce waste, and bolster the economy.
Sustainability Vision
UNO reduces, reuses, and recycles nearly all materials to the extent that very few waste products are sent to the landfill. All UNO's purchasing decisions include lifecycle cost and closed loop considerations.
- Information Technology Service's 'Technology Guidelines for Going Green' contains a section about ways to reduce printing on campus.
- Course Catalogs are available online; eliminating the need to print copies.
Water Refilling Stations:
- UNO has 38 water filling stations across campus.
- In FY18, an estimated 552,313 plastic disposable water bottles were saved from the waste stream. Lined up end-to-end, the bottles would wrap the perimeter of Caniglia Field 317 times.
- The Department of Chemistry maintains a database of materials and ensures faculty consider available chemicals prior to ordering supplies.
- Surplus Property receives, redistributes, and sells excess University property.
- Residence Hall Association provides donation bins during Move-Out Week for students to donate their unwanted, gently used items to Youth Mart.
Campus Recycling:
- Started in Fall 2018, campus recycling is a dual-stream system: Cardboard and Mixed Recyclables (paper, plastics, and metal). Learn more about recycling on the UNO campus.
- Are you needing a recycling bin for your office? Contact Edward Johnson by emailing or calling 4-2656.
Dodge & Scott Housing Recycling:
- UNO housing remains single-stream, allowing for all recyclable waste to be placed in one bin, no sorting is required. To learn more about the program and what materials are accepted, please visit First Star Recycling Guide or you can download this flier.
Electronic Waste Recycling:
- Electronic waste is either redistributed on campus or, for those items that are antiquated or unusable, processed by a licensed electronic recycling vendor.
- Hazardous waste minimization training is provided to lab personnel.
- Fluorescent tubes, HID bulbs, and PCB ballasts are recycled by a licensed vendor.
- Scrap metal is collected at various locations for recycling.
- Confidential paper recycling is offered through DataShield.
Hefty® EnergyBag™ Program:
- UNO has collection sites for the Hefty®ReNew™ program (formerly Hefty® EnergyBag™ program). This city-wide initiative is designed to divert hard-to-recycle plastics from the landfill and instead convert them into energy. For more information about UNO's program download the Waste Recovery Brochure.
- Plastics accepted in the program (Please note: this program is designed to recover plastics that are not currently accepted in our normal recycling program. Please still place all recyclable plastics in the nearest recycling receptacle.)
Toothpaste Tubes | Snack Bags | Plastic Cups, Plates, Bowls |
Foam Cups & Containers | Stand-Up Pouches | Condiment Packets |
Fresh & Frozen Food Bags | Squeezable Pouches | Laundry Pouches |
Potato Chip Bags | Pudding Cups | Plastic Pet Food Bags |
Candy Wrappers | Plastic Meat Packaging | Single-Serve Coffee Pods |
Packing Peanuts | Plastic Liners | Microwavable Pouches |
Plastic Straws & Stirrers | Plastic Utensils | Juice Pouches |
Non-Recyclable Plastic Bags |
The bright orange receptacles are located in three buildings across campus.
- Criss Library
- Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center
- Milo Bail Student Center
- Offices and departments can request from the Office of Sustainability a supply of bags if they are hosting large events or receiving shipments that will produce a large quantity of hard-to-recycle plastics. For more information about the offering, download the Special Request Flyer.
No collection receptacle near you? Create your own box to collect items and take them to the nearest collection site. A printable sign is available for you to clearly label the box in your office.
Sign up to get a Hefty bin in your dorm or office!
- UNO's 'Green Purchasing' strategy is committed to buying environmentally preferable goods and services as long as they meet the performance needs and they are available within a reasonable period of time at a reasonable cost.
- Environmental Services purchases only Green Seal certified cleaning products as their standard practice.
- Information Service's 'Technology Guidelines for Going Green' contains a section regarding green purchasing.