Campus Wide Award Opportunities
The University of Nebraska at Omaha recognizes faculty excellence with a number of campus level awards.
Distinguished Research or Creative Activity Award
Alexey Kemenskiy, Ph.D., Department of Biomechanics
The Award for Distinguished Research or Creative Activity (ADROCA) recognizes and honors preeminent achievement in research or creative activity by full-time members of the Graduate Faculty at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, whose work is of sufficient originality and distinction to merit attention at the national level, or beyond. ADROCA recipients foster and enhance the quality of research and creative activity at the University while reaffirming the values of discovery, innovation, and fulfillment in scholarship and the arts.
Excellence in Teaching Award
Michele Desmarais, Ph.D., Department of Religious Studies
The Excellence in Teaching Award at the University of Nebraska Omaha was established in 1969 to recognize superior efforts, dedication, and exemplary conduct in the performance of the University’s first task, the education of its students. Dedicated and effective teachers are a university’s most important asset. At UNO, we have among us those whose performance merits special attention.
Faculty Service Learning Award
Deanna House, Ph.D., Department of Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis
The Faculty Service Learning Award recognizes faculty members for their extraordinary efforts in service learning programs. The Faculty Service Learning Award is presented to a faculty member who has been supportive of service learning at UNO through faculty-student presentations, teaching circles, and mentoring relationships, for example. The faculty member must also have a thorough understanding and appreciation of community issues such as professionalism and cultural competency.
Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award
Abby Bjornsen-Ramig, Ph.D., Department of Counseling
The Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award was created to recognize individual faculty who place high values on and excel in mentoring graduate students. Recipients must have an established record of teaching excellence at the graduate level and mentoring students who have received their degrees. They also should excel at attracting graduate students to study at UNO through recruitment efforts and a visible and respected academic reputation in their area of expertise.
Faculty Excellence in Engagement Award
Jodi Benenson, Ph.D., School of Public Administration
The Faculty Excellence in Engagement Award recognizes excellence in global or community engagement. Global engagement refers to the myriad ways faculty work to connect UNO to the world through their teaching, research and creative activity, and service. UNO defines community engagement as the “collaboration between the University and its local, regional, national and global communities for the exchange of knowledge and resources.”
Excellence in Part-Time Teaching Award
Ashley Harlow, Ph.D., Department of Managment
The Excellence in Part-time Teaching Award recognizes exceptional teaching and instructional activity by part-time faculty members at UNO. Dedicated and effective instructors are a university’s most important asset. At UNO, we have among us those whose performance merits special attention.
Outstanding Honors Faculty Award
William Cooney, School of Communication
The Outstanding Honors Faculty Award recognizes an Honors faculty member whose teaching has both challenged and inspired students. Honors students nominate and select the recipient of this award, whose pedagogical engagement in Honors classrooms fuels the high-achieving students of the University Honors Program.