The TLC staff support William H. Thompson Scholars at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.
TLC staff are instrumental in helping students feel a sense of community and learn how to navigate their college careers.

Dusten Crichton, Ph.D.

Sarah Edwards, Ph.D.
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Curriculum and Programs
Academic Affairs

Jerry Cederblom, Ph.D.

Jennifer "Mrs. Jae" Johnson
Associate Director of Curriculum
Thompson Learning Community
Kelly (Irby) Lorenzen

Morganne Grutsch

Emilio Herrera
TLC Licensed Mental Health Pracitioner
Thompson Learning Community / Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Jen Lambert
Shukura Huggins

Jasmyn McAlister
Javier Torres
Rafael Ferreira

Traron Shivers

Bunmi Lawoyin
Peer Mentors

Peer Mentors
Thompson Learning Community
unotlc@unomaha.eduDesk Assistants

Desk Assistants
Thompson Learning Community