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Graduate Student Awards & Other Funding Opportunities
The A.V. Sorensen Award is given to an undergraduate or graduate student who has written the best paper or completed thesis on an urban topic (one involving the history of cities and towns at any stage of development) during the previous academic year.
The Virginia Dare Shuflata Award recognizes "excellence in history" students at the graduate level.
The Shuflata Master's Fellowship is available to outstanding graduate students to support the successful completion of their Master's thesis or final portfolio project in history at UNO. For more information, please contact the Graduate Program Chair.
Graduate Research and Creative Activity (GRACA) - GRACA grants support faculty-mentored graduate student research and creative activity. Grants of up to $5,000 per student are available to UNO graduate students currently enrolled.
The University Committee on Research and Creative Activity (UCRCA) provides graduate students with funds for materials, research supplies, and other expenses related to the conduct of student research and creative activity.
The Jo Ann Carrigan Scholarship is awarded to up to two incoming graduate students pursing a Master's Degree in History every fall and spring semester of the academic year. Please visit our History Scholarships page for more information.
A limited number of Graduate Teaching Assistantship positions are available in the department. Once students have been accepted into the MA program, they should discuss application procedures with the Graduate Program Chair. Graduate Teaching Assistantships are contingent upon acceptance into the MA program.
Please visit the Department of History's awards page to read more about recognizing UNO student work in history.