Student Excellence in History
The UNO Department of History recognizes its outstanding undergraduate and graduate students during its annual spring awards ceremony.
Undergraduate Student Awards
The George B. Lake Memorial Prize is given to the student who completes both History 1110 and 1120 during the previous academic year, and who earns the highest grade in each class.
The Frederick W. Adrian Award recognizes students who present the best paper in History 4990 (the department's capstone research class) during the previous academic year.
The A.V. Sorensen Award is given to an undergraduate or graduate student who has written the best paper or completed thesis on an urban topic (one involving the history of cities and towns at any stage of development) during the previous academic year.
The Virginia Dare Shuflata Award recognizes "excellence in history" for history students at the undergraduate level.
The Sam Fried Memorial Prize is given to the student who completes History 4720: The Holocaust and earns the highest grade in the course.
The Frances Fried Award is given to the student who completes History 4740: Comparative Genocide and earns the highest grade in the course.
Graduate Student Awards
The A.V. Sorensen Award is given to an undergraduate or graduate student who has written the best paper or completed thesis on an urban topic (one involving the history of cities and towns at any stage of development) during the previous academic year.
The Virginia Dare Shuflata Award recognizes "excellence in history" students at the graduate level.
The Shuflata Master's Fellowship is available to outstanding graduate students to support the successful completion of their Master's thesis or final portfolio project in history at UNO. Offered twice each academic year, applications are due:
For more information, please contact the Graduate Program Chair.
The Office of Graduate Studies administers the Elton S. Carter Master's Thesis Award. This award is awarded in recognition of excellence in thesis work to eligible nominees from throughout the UNO Campus.
Phi Alpha Theta National History Honorary
Phi Alpha Theta (ΦΑΘ) is the National History Honor Society for undergraduate and graduate students, professors, and other members of the historical profession. The society has over 350,000 members, with about 9,500 new members joining each year through 860 local university chapters.
To learn more about the National organization, visit the Phi Alpha Theta website. For more information on how to join UNO's Omicron Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, contact the organization's faculty advisor Dr. Susana Grajales Geliga or click here.