Master's and Ph.D. Program in Industrial/Organizational Psychology

The scientific study of human behavior in the workplace
Industrial/Organizational Psychology Program Information | |
Program Overview | Faculty |
Description: MA, MS, Ph.D. | Coursework: MA, MS, Ph.D. |
Prospective Students | Application Information |
Alumni | Current Student Resources |
Current Student Resumes and Biographies | |
Questions? FAQ or Dr. Roni Reiter-Palmon | Application Deadline: January 10th |
Program Overview
The Industrial/Organizational Program faculty possess a breadth of knowledge, expertise and experience in both research and applied settings. We also have strong ties to faculty in the College of Business and the College of Information Science & Technology and have forged partnerships with a variety of businesses and organizations within and outside the Omaha area.
The success of our graduate students is very important to us. Graduate students are mentored by both faculty and senior students. Consistent with the researcher-practitioner model, we provide opportunities for a variety of research and field experiences in addition to relevant coursework.
Students are also encouraged to become involved in local and national professional societies appropriate to their career goals. Graduates of our program have secured a variety of positions in industry, consulting firms, and academia.
There are three degree programs offered in I/O Psychology. I/O Psychology graduate students number from 25-35, with approximately one-third of the students pursuing each of the three graduate degrees in any given year. Applicants are required to indicate the degree program to which they are applying, but it is important to note that students can apply to switch program tracks after they are enrolled.
Graduate students enrolling in this 2-year, 36-hour program are those seeking employment in applied settings (e.g., Human Resource Departments, Training and Organizational Development Departments, Consulting firms) immediately following completion of the Master's Program. Research is encouraged though not required to complete this program. M.S. students are therefore not eligible for admission to the Ph.D. program. In lieu of a Master’s thesis, students receive practicum credit for writing a technical report on a 150-hour applied project they conduct in an organization.
This 36-hour program is typically pursued by students who ultimately want to earn a Ph.D. Unlike the M.S. degree program, the M.A. requires the completion of an empirical research project (thesis). Program requirements are usually fulfilled in two to three years. M.A. students are typically admitted with the expectation that they will continue their studies in the Ph.D. program.
Students completing their M.A. in our program, as well as students with Master’s degrees from other I/O Psychology departments or related fields, can apply to this program. Students who are interested in obtaining a Ph.D. in I/O psychology, but do not have a Master's degree in I/O or related fields, please apply to the MA program. The doctoral program requires an additional 54 credit hours beyond the 36 hours for a master's. Students typically complete their Ph.D. work in three to four years beyond the M.A. A student pursuing both an M.A. and a Ph.D. at UNO would need to take a total of 90 semester hours. The semester hours include course credit for two practicum/internship experiences as well as dissertation and other research. The majority of recent Ph.D. graduates have sought employment in applied settings, while others have pursued jobs in research firms and academia. Please send all application materials to the UNO Department of Psychology.
Questions: FAQ or Dr. Roni Reiter-Palmon | Catalog Information |