Project Materials and Resources
The following materials and resources were created for use in university courses to prepare future school professionals to effectively partner with families to achieve goals together.
- Free Online Pressbook: The Family-Engaged Educational Training: Taking Steps to Build Meaningful Family-School Partnerships
- Six Family Engagement Modules that are connected to the National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement Competencies for Family-Facing Professionals and based on advisory board feedback
- Case Scenarios with questions for applied practice for each module
- Family Handouts that can be used for in-class activities with Strategic Partners and to support engagement in practice
- If you are an instructor or provide professional development, please complete our REQUEST FORM or contact Dr. Sara Kupzyk at to learn more about how to incorporate the materials in your course/training.
- Instructor’s Guide to in-class activities, including ways to engage families as Strategic Partners in the classroom
- Create Your Own Toolkit resource for students to use as a guide for facilitating partnerships with families as they begin their career