New Student Resource Guide for CBA Students
A handy information guide for new CBA Students.

CBA Student Resource Guide
Glossary of UNO Terms
Important Links
Login to MavLINK
- Review your class schedule—consider printing a copy to have on hand
- Review your financial aid—if you have questions, contact the Office of Financial Support & Scholarships | 402-554-2327
- Learn where to find your final grades and GPA—under the ‘Academics’ tab
- If you have IT questions you can call 402-554-4357 24/7 or email
Sign in to your UNO email account
Make sure you know how to access your UNO email. You will need to check this at least once a day to stay on top of important communication while at UNO.
- Set up your phone to receive UNO email
Get your textbooks
To view your textbooks for each class, log into MavLINK, and under ‘My Classes’, select ‘View All Books’
- Learn more about book buying options here
Explore Canvas
Each class will have a Canvas page that will have important information for you to be successful in the course. Be sure you know how to navigate each course page.
Map out class locations
Use the UNO Campus Map to find where each class is located. Make sure you leave enough time to get to each class early.
A syllabus is a description, table of contents or outline of course content, requirements, textbooks, and assignments provided by the instructor of the class to students.
- Put important dates and deadlines for all classes in your planner or calendar
- Familiarize yourself with the grading scale for each class
Important Links
Maverick Food PantryUNO Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
UNO Office of Student Legal ServicesUNO Campus Recreation & Wellness
Frequently Asked Questions
Getting to UNO
How much does it cost to park on campus?
- You can find information about parking passes and fees at the following link:
- If you have additional questions, you can contact UNO Parking and Transit Services at 402.554.7275 or
Are there any student discounts if I ride the Metro Bus?
- Yes! You can use your MavCARD as a bus pass on any Metro or ORBT route any time for free. Your MavCARD is activated as your MavRIDE bus pass if you are actively taking classes.
- You can view maps and plan your bus route at the following link:
Preparing for Classes
When do classes start?
- Fall 2023 classes begin on Monday, August 21st.
- You can find other important dates and deadlines on the Academic Calendar at the following link:
How do I know what textbooks I need?
- To view your required textbooks, log into MavLINK, and under “My Classes,” select “View All Books.”
- You can find more information about textbooks at the following link:
- If you have additional questions, you can contact the UNO Bookstore Textbook Department at 402-554-2499 or
I need to change my class schedule for Fall 2023. How do I do that?
- You can drop or add classes on MavLINK without financial penalty until Monday, August 28th.
- Before making changes to your schedule, you can reach out to your Academic Advisor to make sure the change will not impact your progress toward your degree.
- You can find more information, including step-by-step video guides, on how to add and drop classes in MavLINK at the following link:
Financial Aid & Paying for College
Who can I contact with questions about financial aid and paying for college?
- For any questions about the FAFSA, financial aid, or scholarships, please contact the Office of Financial Support and Scholarships at 402.554.2327 or
Who can I talk to about military and veteran benefits?
- If you are a service member, veteran, and/or dependent with questions about benefits, you can contact the Veterans Affairs and Military Education Benefits desk in the Office of Financial Support & Scholarships at 402.554.2349 or
When will I get billed for tuition and when is it due?
- Your charges for the Fall semester will be billed on the last business day of August. You will receive an email to your UNO email address when the bill is available. You can access your bill in MavLINK.
- Payment for Fall 2023 is due on September 23rd.
- For questions about your bill and payment options, please contact Cashiering and Student Accounts at 402.554.2324 or
On-Campus Housing
When do I move in to my on-campus housing? How much does housing cost? How do I pay my bill? Am I too late to apply for on-campus housing?
- Link to the move-in guide: Housing & Residential Life | Student Life | University of Nebraska Omaha (
- For additional questions, please contact:
- If you are living on Dodge Campus in Maverick Village or University Village: 402.554.6605 or
- If you are living on Scott Campus in Scott Court, Scott Hall, Scott Village, or Scott Crossing: 402.778.6541 or
Getting Involved on Campus
How do I get a job on campus?
- You can find on-campus job using UNO’s career platform, which is called Handshake.
- You can access Handshake at the following link: Handshake | Student Life | University of Nebraska Omaha ( or Sign In | Handshake (
- You will log in using your NetID and password.
- For more tips, please visit the following link:
How can I join a fraternity or sorority?
- You can find more information about the membership and recruitment for OMAHA GREEKS at the following link:
How can I get involved on campus?
- There are many ways you can get involved at UNO. You can start exploring opportunities like student organizations, OMAHA GREEKS, volunteering, student government, spirit & tradition, Maverick Productions, UNO Dance Marathon, and more at the following link:
- If you have more specific questions, you can reach out to Student Involvement at 402.554.2711.
What do I do if I do not have access to a computer or internet connection at home?
- Students may check out a Mac, PC laptop, or wifi hotspot for an entire semester. It is free to check out this equipment. You may be charged if you damage or return the equipment late.
- You can find more information at the following link:
- For questions, you can contact the MavTECH Help Center at (402) 554-4357 or
I had an IEP or 504 Plan in high school. How can I get accommodations at UNO?
- You will work closely with the Accessibility Services Center (ASC) to put together an accommodation plan. You can start the process by accessing the ASC Online Services Portal at the following link:
- You can contact the ASC directly at 402.554.2872 or
University of Nebraska at Omaha Glossary
- Academic Term / Semester
- Most semesters last approximately 16 weeks in the fall and spring. The summer semester is approximately 12 weeks. Courses are one semester long.
- Advisor
- A staff member who supports students to make informed and fulfilling decisions about the student’s academic and professional journey through individualized support for setting goals, navigating the curriculum, and making meaning of experiences within and beyond the classroom.
- Concentration
- In the College of Business Administration, all students are required to declare at least one concentration or a specialization within business. Concentrations are 18-24 credit hours depending upon selected concentration. (ex. Accounting, Marketing, etc.)
- Core Requirements
- Core requirements are required courses that students must complete to earn a degree.
- Credit Hour
- A credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally-established equivalency.
- Cumulative GPA
- GPA stands for grade point average. The cumulative GPA is calculated for all University of Nebraska coursework and is based on a student's grade in each class and how many credit hours a student attempted in a semester.
- Degree
- The reward for successful completion of a higher education program. An undergraduate degree is known as a bachelor’s degree.
- Drop/Withdraw
- To drop a course is to cancel the registration in a course which is only available during the add/drop period specified on the academic calendar. To cancel the registration in a course after the add/drop deadline resulting in a “W” on the student’s record is withdrawing. A drop or withdraw do not affect a student’s GPA.
- Electives
- Courses chosen by a student that are outside of a specific major or program of study. Most students need elective credit to reach the 120 credits required for graduation.
- Full Time
- A full-time course load is 12 or more credit hours.
- General Education (Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences)
- General education courses (or gen eds) are required for all undergraduate students and serve as a foundation for advanced learning.
- Hold
- A block placed on a student’s MavLINK account that will not allow a student to enroll in/drop/add classes and receive transcripts until the hold is released. Common examples are: Academic Advising, Past Due Balance and College Transcript holds.
- Major
- A student’s chosen area of study which usually requires the successful completion of specified courses and number of credit hours. (Ex. Business Administration)
- UNO’s student ID card utilized to access the H&K wellness center, free Orbit Transit bus pass, get into UNO sporting events, and other UNO student events.
- Minor
- A secondary focus of study requiring fewer credits than a major. For Business students, a minor would be in a field outside of the College of Business Administration.
- NetID/Username
- A students NetID/username is used to access e-mail, Canvas, and other campus services. It is the first part of the students UNO e-mail.
- An NUID (Nebraska University Identification) is a student’s eight-digit number listed on their MavCARD and is used to access a student’s personal information and various campus services. It is recommended to memorize this number as campus services will ask for it often.
- Office Hours
- Instructors are usually required to hold office hours on a regular basis throughout the semester for students to drop in or make an appointment to meet with them. Office hours are a great opportunity to get feedback on assignments and to get help with the class material.
- Prerequisite
- A course or other requirement that must be completed prior to taking another specific course.
- Secondary Concentration
- A secondary concentration is an additional specialized field of study for College of Business Administration students that requires fewer credit hours than a concentration.
- Syllabus/Syllabi
- A document provided by the instructor that contains a general summary of the course, required textbooks, dates of assignments, papers, and exams and the instructor’s contact information and office hours. This document usually also contains the expectations, policies, and requirements of a course.