The UNO Bands: A University Tradition Since 1928

Save the date! The UNO Bands Conducting Workshop will take place on May 29, 2025.

Our concert bands are open to students of all majors across campus!

Audition for UNO's pep band—the "Maverick Machine!"

The UNO Maverick Winter Guard is a performing ensemble included in the UNO Sports Club program.

Interested in participating in the UNO Jazz Area?

Are you a UNO Bands alumnus? Sign up for our mailing list to stay up-to-date about band events.
Established in 1928, the UNO Bands have been in existence for close to one hundred years.
About the UNO Bands
The UNO Bands are some of the most visible and active organizations in the College of Communications, Fine Arts and Media. The UNO Bands include two concert bands (the Symphonic Wind Ensemble and the University Band) and several athletic ensembles. All of the bands perform literature of the highest caliber and are open to students of all majors across the UNO campus.
Symphonic Wind Ensemble (SWE)
As UNO's premier concert band, the Symphonic Wind Ensemble (SWE) has developed an exemplary reputation throughout the country and abroad for its exceptional performances of high quality traditional and contemporary wind literature. Comprising some of the most outstanding musicians on campus, SWE performs an average of five concerts a year. SWE is under the direction of Dr. Joshua Kearney.
The ensemble has performed at regional conferences of the College Band Directors National Association, multiple conventions of the Nebraska State Bandmasters Association, several Nebraska Music Educators Association All-State conferences, and numerous other regional and national professional conferences. The Symphonic Wind Ensemble has also performed abroad—giving concerts in France, the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Sweden, and Denmark.
The Symphonic Wind Ensemble rehearses Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 1:30-2:50 PM at the UNO School of Music. Students may enroll for SWE (MUS 4160/8160) pending a successful ensemble audition prior to the start of the fall semester. Click here for more information about auditioning for SWE.
University Band
The University Band is a non-auditioned ensemble open to all UNO students, faculty, and staff. The instrumentalists involved in this group perform a large variety of high-quality music for winds. The University Band performs two concerts per semester on UNO's campus. Students interested should register for the course in order to participate (MUS 2760). The University Band rehearses every Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00-4:50 PM during the fall and spring semesters at the UNO School of Music. The course may be taken for General Education credit. The University Band is under the direction of Prof. Peter Wilger.
The School of Music maintains an inventory of instruments available for students to use at no cost (pending availability). Please email Dr. Kearney with questions (
"Maverick Machine" Pep Band
The Maverick Machine is the University of Nebraska at Omaha's resident pep band at the state-of-the-art Baxter Arena. The Maverick Machine rehearses on Tuesday evenings from 8:00-9:30 PM in the Strauss Music Building room 109. The band plays for UNO volleyball and basketball games as well as for our nationally-ranked hockey team. Auditions generally take place during the first few weeks of classes in the fall semester. All full members of the Maverick Machine receive $500 for their efforts.
The Maverick Machine has become a major public face of the university music program—playing for U.S. President Barack Obama's historic visit to the UNO campus as well as performing innovative halftime shows at UNO sporting events. The band regularly travels with UNO teams to tournaments around the United States and collaborates with university spirit and community organizations. Click here for more information.
The Maverick Winter Guard
Founded in 2022, the UNO Maverick Winter Guard is a performing ensemble included in the UNO Sports Club program under the direction of Brooke Winsor. One may be part of the competitive ensemble (audition required) or may participate without competing (no audition required).
The competitive ensemble will primarily compete in the local Heartland Winter Arts Association (HWAA) competition circuit with potential for participation in Winter Guard International (WGI) events. The non-competitive ensemble is an option for members who would not like to compete, but would still like a chance to learn and grow their skills in the activity. Learn more here.