About the Maverick Machine
The Maverick Machine has become a major public face of the university music program—playing for U.S. President Barack Obama's historic visit to the UNO campus as well as performing innovative halftime shows at UNO sporting events. The band regularly travels with UNO teams to tournaments around the United States and collaborates with university spirit and community organizations.
Joining the Maverick Machine
- Apply and be admitted to the University of Nebraska at Omaha. If you are a non-UNO student that wishes to participate, please contact the Director of Bands, Dr. Josh Kearney, directly by email at jskearney@unomaha.edu.
- Complete the online audition scheduling form found here (forthcoming)
- Download and prepare the excerpts listed below in the "Audition Requirements" section of the website.
- All Auditions will take place at the Strauss Performing Arts Center from Sept. 2-6, 2025. If you require a special time outside of those listed on the scheduling website, please contact Dr. Kearney as soon as possible by email at jskearney@unomaha.edu.
- Woodwinds/Brass/Bass Guitar – Auditions will take place in Sept. 2-5, 2025 in the Strauss Performing Arts Center room 225.
- Drumset – Auditions will be held in room 109 in the Strauss Performing Arts Center at 10:00 AM on Saturday, Sept. 6, 2025.
Audition Requirements
Woodwind/Brass/Bass Guitar
- 2 major scales of your choice, at least 2 octaves, demonstrating range and/or technical proficiency.
- Download and prepare the excerpt(s) for your instrument. Audition excerpts may be found by clicking here (forthcoming).
- Bass guitarists should be able to read sheet music—not just lead sheets. *Note that bass guitarists might need to read tuba music occasionally; it is played up an octave from printed.*
- An amp will be provided. Please bring your own guitar and guitar cable.
- You are expected to perform accompaniment to three recorded (provided) arrangements: Hot to Go, Tetris, and Hey Pachuco. Recordings may be found by clicking here (forthcoming). Additionally, drumset players should prepare and perform the snare drum line to the UNO Fight Song found in the "UNO Fight" folder. A recording has been provided for your convenience. Additional parts (bass drum and cymbals) may be added to the UNO Fight Song at your discretion.
- Drumset players should be familiar with written musical notation. Upon acceptance into the Maverick Machine, drumset players will receive a lead trumpet book to guide their accompaniment.
- Students auditioning for drumset will be given a brief rhythm assessment gauging ability to internalize and maintain a steady pulse.
- Drumset players will have a room available for practice at the Strauss Performing Arts Center. Please send Dr. Kearney an email (jskearney@unomaha.edu) indicating that you plan to audition for drumset along with your NUID so MavCard access can be granted to the drumset practice area.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can join the Maverick Machine?
Membership in the Maverick Machine is open to all students on the UNO campus. You do not have to be a music major to participate! Members of the Maverick Machine represent all academic disciplines on campus. Non-UNO students are eligible for participation on a case-by-case basis. Email Dr. Kearney at jskearney@unomaha.edu for more information about participation as a non-UNO student. The Maverick Machine uses the following instruments: piccolo, clarinet, alto and tenor saxophone, trumpet, mellophone/horn, trombone, baritone, tuba, drumset, and electric bass (guitar).
Do I have to audition to be a member of the Maverick Machine?
Yes. All members are selected by audition. These auditions take place at the beginning of the fall semester. Registration for auditions will open in mid- to late-August.
At which sports do the Maverick Machine perform?
The Maverick Machine plays at Volleyball, Men's and Women's Basketball, and our nationally-ranked hockey team. Occasionally the Maverick Machine may be asked to perform at special functions. In 2016 the Maverick Machine played for President Barack Obama's historic visit to the University of Nebraska at Omaha.
Do I get paid?
Absolutely! Due to the generous support of the University, the UNO Athletic Bands are pleased to offer each full member of the Maverick Machine a $500 stipend at the conclusion of the season.
What if I don't own a piccolo, mellophone, tenor saxophone, marching baritone, or tuba?
No worries! The UNO Athletic Bands have an extensive array of instruments available for check-out at no cost in order to participate in the Athletic Band program. However, the Athletic Bands do not provide electric bass guitars at this time. Please contact the Director of Bands, Dr. Josh Kearney, to secure an instrument for your audition: jskearney@unomaha.edu.
I play the flute and not the piccolo; what do I do?! Can I still audition?
Yes! Students may audition for the pep band on flute. However, students will be expected to transition to piccolo during the athletic season. The UNO Bands have piccolos available for check-out at no cost in order to participate in the Athletic Band program. Please contact the Director of Bands, Dr. Joshua Kearney, to secure an instrument for your audition: jskearney@unomaha.edu.
When does the Maverick Machine rehearse? Where?
The Maverick Machine rehearses weekly on Tuesday evenings from 8:00-9:30 PM at the discretion of the Director in the Strauss Performing Arts Center room 109.
Is there a cost to participate in the Maverick Machine?
There is no cost to participate in the Maverick Machine.
Help! You didn't answer my question!
Please direct further questions to Dr. Josh Kearney, UNO Director of Bands, by email at jskearney@unomaha.edu or by telephone at 402.554.3602.